MovieChat Forums > Hush (1998) Discussion > one of the greatest thrillers of all tim...

one of the greatest thrillers of all time

I love this movie! The actors/actresses are great! i think it was way under-rated. it seems like all the great thrillers came out in the 90s

Sluty, they don't even wear knickers." - Kiera Knightly dissing Spears and Lohan


yeah they need to make more movies like this. I like it everytime i see it.


Certainly don't think it could be considered 'one of the 'greatest thrillers of all time' by any stretch of the imagination but it's really quite a good film and NOT the mess that many critics called it. Jessica Lange was perhaps a little over the top (in my opinion) but still gave a good, solid performance. I also thought that Nina Foch was magnificent as her ex mother-in law. I have watched it a few times when it has turned up on TV and would probably buy it on DVD at some point.


Great soapy-southern gothic flick. Way under appreciated.


Great soapy-southern gothic flick.

People writing about this videotape do not know what thrillers are. This one person was right; this was a soap opera. That's all this is! There are some of us men who cannot stand soap operas--whether they involve murder or not.


To me, Lange wasn't over the top, her character was.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


you should get out more if u really think that


This was a thriller? I must have dozed off before the thrilling part...


This is the type of thriller that I enjoy. Tricky relationships and evil plotting. Good stuff.
