Worst movie ever

Who in their right mind would possibly say that this movie is woth a 6? The plot was very thin and possibly the dumbest idea ever. The acting was non existant. It seemed as though they just pulled random asses off the street and threw them in shotty clothes. Pluss I really wanted to kill that kid. Did he serve a purpose other than to sit there and scream "AHHHHHH!" *beep* terrible.


I would have to disagree. This movie was pretty good I thought. It had good music to go with the era it is supposed to take place. Also I like samurai movies so basically it was good. It would have to be the best samurai movie done in America, besides Ghostdog. I know it really isnt a samurai movie but it is pretty close to it. My opinion my not matter to you, but this is what I thought


All I remeber from Ghost Dog was a fatass assasin doing things that no fatass, myself included, could ever do. And when he was done he waved his gun around like a retard pretending it was a sword.



so skip the threads that displease you. how is criticisim any less valid than praise?

i'll say that the only real plus to this movie was discovering the Red Elvises. The screening i attended handed out a comic book version of the movie and a cassette that featured maybe 4 songs from the movie. Since then i've bought a few of the Red Elvis albums. fun band. bad movie.

i would say "to each their own" but then it leaves us with prescious little to discuss. so i wont.


i kinda liked the movie (certain aspects), but it probably works so much better as a comic book. i'd like to read that, with more flesh to the story.


The depth of this movie obviously exeeded what little brain power you have.



One of those few people who never liked small independent trip movies. Probably he never liked Reservoir Dogs, Buckaroo Banzai, or even Being John Malkovich...


Well I never saw Buckaroo Banzai, but the difference between Reservoir Dogs/ Being John Malkovich is that they were good movies. You can't just say a movie is good because it's independent. All you're doing by showing other titles (that this one doesn't even compare to) is show that there is no argument as to why this movie is good. And how I love all the "The music was good," arguments. If you want to hear good music buy a CD, stop upvoting *beep* movies so people watch them expecting more.


I really liked Buckaroo Bonzai and that ilk and I had to give up on this movie by the time they reached the house with the woman that kept laughing like a retard.

This movie, at least up to that point, is horrible.


i'm with you. this was pretty badly done - and the idea had so much promise! without the explanation at the beginning of the film, nobody would have known what was going on. i appreciate indie films with obtuse detail and plot, but this one just sucked.


Yeah, I just watched this On Demand and it was really bad. They took about 90 seconds worth of plot/story and stretched it into 90 minutes.


I totally agree. Anyone who can stand watching this movie all the way through must have serious brain damage.



Q: Pluss I really wanted to kill that kid. Did he serve a purpose other than to sit there and scream "AHHHHHH!"

A: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_Wolf_and_Cub


I love this movie. Then again, I love bad movies. I'd say it's important to remeber that they filmakers weren't trying to make Citizen Kane. Most (if not all) of my friends hate it. The most note-worthy aspect of the film is the cinematography (it won the award for best cinematography at the Slamdance festival where it premiered) but I still really enjoy the movie.


"The plot was very thin and possibly the dumbest idea ever."
why would you even watch this movie if you thought is was a dumb idea?


Well I mean Fight Club sounded kinda dumb to me too. But that's my favorite movie ever. Don't judge a book by its cover my friend.


I dont look at this as a movie, its more a piece of theatre or a work of art.

Dont go into it expecting what you normally get from a good movie, just expect to be entertained,


..and on the subject of weak plots - ALL martial arts movies have very weak plots, MOST, weaker than this one.

Lets take for instance van-damme's "Kickboxer"

Plot= "A kickboxer gets crippled in the ring, His brother becomes champion to 'get revenge'"

And that same plot is used in hundreds of kung-fu films.
Wheres the Post nuclear adventure?
wheres the guitar playing death (or is that death playing a guitar) :)
wheres the ratchets?

This movie has loads more than your average movie with "samurai" in the title
