The Ending

First off, I love the ending. But I do have to ask, if Buddy was Buddy Holly, who does The Kid become?

I mean there are two clear choice in my mind and let me explain them.

Elvis Costello - I think this is the route more people would choose. Simply because he took up the mantel of ultra geek rocker about 20 years after Buddy Holly died, which is about the age difference between the Kid and Buddy. It's also interesting to note the more political songs Costello has written in relation to him The Kid becoming king.

Rivers Cuomo - I know I'm going to get bashed for this one, but as a Weezer fan it's hard not to point out the joke at the end, "I look just like Buddy Holly" was the first image that popped into my head. Also, the high pitched wine that the Kid emits at times reminds me a lot of the yells Rivers lets out on Pinkerton.

Those are just my views.


"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"
