cherry 2000

this film felt like cherry 2000 to me did anyone else feel the same.


I could very well see that moya the campiness but still fun attitde with a lot of characters which are all things that i enjoy in a film.


hmm, cherry 2000 is a mad max rip-off. six-string looks like it have inspirational from european movies and asians.



Not really. Sure, there's a wasteland, but that's about it.

No sex puppets.
No future Neo lamps.
No pink/red/silly fashion.
No Man/Woman love story.

Maybe if you'd seen more post-apocalyptic movies, you'd think your post over. I mean, sure, there's similiarities due to the basic subject and landscape, only that the elements they used in that backdrop are totally different.

I liked both films very much.

"D-E-S-T-R-O-Y : E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G"
