MovieChat Forums > The Big Lebowski (1998) Discussion > Why does this get labelled as a 'stoner ...

Why does this get labelled as a 'stoner film'?

I'm sure marijuana only features once in the entire film, and it's hardly as if the film focuses on the fact that The Dude smokes weed. I know it's got a very strong 60s hippy theme which of course marijuana is often associated with, but going by the amount of times you see people get stoned, it's no more of a stoner film than Platoon or 24 Hour Party People is.

I'm not a fan of the term 'stoner film' because I feel that it cheapens one of the best films ever and puts in on the level of mediocre stuff like Pineapple Express.


I saw him smoke weed a lot of times in the film: Let me see how many I can recall here on the cuff:

1. He smoked weed in his car as he crashed into trash.
2. He smoked weed in front of the big Lebowski when he was asked to do a job.
3. He smoked weed right after coitus with Maude.

That's all I can recall at this time but I don't think calling it a stoner film takes anything away from its brilliance as calling The Exorcist a horror flick takes anything away from its Oscar Nomination.

Ooooh, you wicked, wicked monkey! Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire


Ah yes, I was referring to after sex with Maude but forgot about the other two parts.

Still, there's not a great deal of weed smoking in the film. However, there is a lot of drinking. In fact, he's rarely seen without some kind of alcoholic beverage in his hand.


Yeah it's funny because he only drank one kind of drink in the film and it's called a White Russian or a Caucasian which he made with vodka, milk and kahlua.

Ooooh, you wicked, wicked monkey! Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire


He also did lots and lots of anal whippets, but they don't call it an "anal whippet film".

Adolph Hitler invaded Poland. Kirk Cameron also invaded Poland.


You forgot my favorite one! Heh, when he's in the bathtub listening to his answering machine and whale sounds.


Yes indeed that's a very good one!

Ooooh, you wicked, wicked monkey! Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire


1. He smoked weed in his car as he crashed into trash.
2. He smoked weed in front of the big Lebowski when he was asked to do a job.
3. He smoked weed right after coitus with Maude.

4. He was smoking a jay in the bathtub before the marmot scene. (Edit: I might be mistaken on this one.)
5. One cop found a roach in his ashtray when they were taking his stolen car report
6. "The occasional acid flashback" is not weed, but I've heard that it's related.
7. The mention of paraquat, as in Jackie Treehorn is just a "human paraquat" for treating objects like women, ma-an. (
8. "And even if he's a lazy man - and the Dude was most certainly that. Quite possibly the laziest in Los Angeles County, which would place him high in the runnin' for laziest worldwide."
9. He doesn't seem to have a job, even though "it's the tenth already"
10. "You don't go out looking for a job dressed like that? On a weekday?" followed by "Is this a... what day is this?"

So when you ask, "Why does this get labelled as a 'stoner film'?", I have to say "No sheet? The dude's a stoner? Fuggin'A!"

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


What makes a stoner film, Mr Way? Is is marijuana consumption on film? Is it a film with no consumption but fun to watch on marijuana?

Strong men also toke, Mr Way. Strong men also toke.

Or my isn't name...


Is it a film with no consumption but fun to watch on marijuana?


If you haven't watched this film 'stoned' you are missing out on life!!

Forget about whether he smokes, or is high, or whatever - there is no question about it, the circumstances that the Dude finds himself can ONLY HAPPEN WHEN YOU ARE STONED.

The film is genius both ways however; people who are not stoned love it, because, you know, being stoned puts in you bizarre humorous situations naturally and it is hailed as 'original and novel' by non-stoners, and yet, people who are stoners also love it, because, finally, a movie that actually depicts (accurately and realistically) what being stoned is like - and it's bloody hilarious!!


When I saw this movie it was labelled "Peas".

Kind of misleading.


Peas on my fncking rug, man.

Adolph Hitler invaded Poland. Kirk Cameron also invaded Poland.


Ever thus to green beans.


Supposedly, during filming, Jeff Bridges would ask the director before each scene "Did Lebowski burn one on the way here?". If the answer was yes, he would rub his eyes until they were red and do the scene as if he were stoned. Rewatch the movie and you will see that most scenes... literally almost every one... revolves around a very stoned Jeff Lebowski stumbling through life. You just don't always see him actually ingesting.


He's a little like Reverend Jim. You never see Jim actually doing any drugs on Taxi but the after effects are always there.


Simple logic: the Dude is stoner, hence the movie is stoner.


Yeah, makes no sense. What it really is is a film for bums.


I totally forgot what I was going to write.


I totally forgot what I was going to write.

You were probably gonna write this, again: "On January 18, 2016 Eagles guitar player and singer Glenn Frey passed away at the age of 67. The causes of his death were rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis and pneumonia while recovering from intestinal surgery."

You're welcome.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


I know they don't show pot being smoked a lot or talked about a lot. But I maybe see why it is seen as a stoner film just because of the way these guys act. Let me explain.

Back in my wild youth I guess my friends and associates smoked as much as anyone and did whatever else we could try. But mostly we smoked. When I watched these guys and listened to the way they talked, their thought processes, and the way they reacted to things, it was like I was watching some of the stoners I used to know. It took me back to the early 70s.
Like when The Dude (and a guy taking a nickname like that reminded me of old stoners I knew) decided he would take payment for his urine soaked rug from the 'rich guy' he was mistaken for. In the late 60s and early 70s that kind of logic was culturally promoted and some young people kind of accepted it as logical and ethical. It is a very leftist kind of logic of course, but leftist thought was being pushed in the drug culture crowd. Even if you didn't agree with it there was a kind of attitude prevalent of "live and let live". A lot of stoners' attitude toward such leftist logic was "hey man, that's his way of thinking man, he has his way and I have mine. It's cool". If you didn't agree with it, you tried to avoid being critical of it if you could. There were a lot of other things in the film which reminded me of old stoners I knew.
Dude was a caricature of stoners I knew. So was Walter in many ways.

I guess there are a lot of other people who lived through that period and saw these guys as representative types of stoners they knew, or perhaps were to some extent. Must be why it is considered a "stoner film" by many.

The only problem I have with calling it a stoner film is this: I have always associated that term with movies with characters who are major potheads. As you said, marijuana is not showcased in this film. It is implied, or at least I think it is. But the film is different from those I hear others call stoner films.
