MovieChat Forums > The Big Lebowski (1998) Discussion > Would you say that The Dude was intellig...

Would you say that The Dude was intelligent?

So would yoU?

Guns are for pussies,Real men use fist.


Yes, I would. However, he has let his mind atrophy, willingly, in a desire for an indolent life of no responsibility and bowling.


"Guns are for pussies,Real men use fist." I thought I was alone! I usually say, "Guns are for cowards and little old ladies". It's nice to know I'm not the only person on the internet who hates guns and cowards.
As for Jeffrey. I think he's the remains of a spoilt imbecile who doesn't know what day it is and couldn't care less.
Check out the date on the cheque.
Do you know what day it is and what happened on that day?
The question isn't "would you call Jeffrey intelligent?". The question is would you call yourself intelligent? That's what the Coens want to know.
Exactly how dumb is America. Remember the murder weapon in No Country For Old Men? Are Americans sentient or are they cattle? We could do a poll.

She has a kind of psychiatric cabaret. Very good. There was something about Suez.


Unfortunately, all men do not have the same size, strength, or skill, regardless of whether or not they are pussies or cowards. A gun tends to eliminate those disadvantages when a man encounters some blowhard Neanderthal bully who goes around intimidating people with his fists.


Guns tend to let pussies run their mouths to people that they normally wouldn't. Learn to fight, hit the gym, learn to take a punch or keep your mouth shut, but no real man should need a gun to even the odds.


Please go ahead and jump off that ledge. We don't need you in the gene pool.


I wouldn't not say the Dude wasn't not intelligent.

Or my isn't name...


You just didn't.


No. He's doing what a lot of folk do without thinking.
It's not "Sci-Fi", it's "SF"!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


Yeah, I do think the Dude was intelligent or had been in his younger years, before he embraced his "Dudeness". Traces of it come out in various things he says during the course of the movie. I'd say he's comparable in that respect to Jim Ignatowski from Taxi, although Jim was probably a bit more burnt out than the Dude, but still occasionally showed remnants of his upper class upbringing.


He has no job, never exerts himself, and lives a life of complete leisure getting high and bowling. To me, that sounds like a man who's used his talents to buy himself a stress-free life. He sacrificed ambition, but that's the trade-off he was willing to make.


Yeah, he was at one point.

My fan theory is that he was once a Wall Street Broker, made a nice nest egg and put it into trust to dole him out the money for the rest of his life. Then he left the NY rat race and moved to CA. Where he spent the rest of his life, in a little house, sometimes going bowling and specializing in recreational smoking.


Yes, I think that The Dude was highly intelligent...he just didn't care to make much of it.

LIZ 10:I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule.Dr.Who
