Eyes Wide Shut

While watching this exquisite film I'm reminded of Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, particularly in the use of music. I think it's an interesting comparison - Both films are very sensual, but in polarising ways. What I think pushes ITMFL to a near-masterpiece (unlike EWS) is the complete lack of explicitness. The sexuality is conveyed with such subtleness. A true highlight of modern cinema.


Apples and oranges, kiddo.

Eyes Wide Shut was a revealing exposé on The (very real) Illuminati, who, in turn, murdered the director, Stanley Kubrick, in his sleep just 4 days after the final screening.

I'm not making this up. Look into it for yourself. It didn't have the same goals as In the Mood For Love, so therefore it isn't fair to compare the two.


Stopped reading at "kiddo" ...


Yes, Hal. As expected. It is precisely people like you who the elite members of the Illuminati want to populate this dumbed-down world: Pokemon-Go-playing "kiddos" with zero attention span.
