I have a question!!

I want to know something: Do Todd and Becky Trask have sex?, because I had read the script from the movie before seeing it and It said that they had sex. But in the movie I saw they didn't have sex. Are there a lot of vertions of this movie? Please answer this quiestions, I really want to know.


Before I answer, let me warn you, the answer is pretty graphic. Okay, now my legal dept. will let me proceed:
In short, yes, they do. But, Todd has trouble with it. They have sex 5 times in total (if I remember correctly) and she is loving it, because Todd is not afflicted with the premature ejaculation problem that most teenage boys are. She thinks it's because Todd is a superior lover. In reality, it's because Todd is having trouble getting off or even maintaining his erection without increasingly violent fantasies taking the place of the actual sexual activity. Todd convinces himself it's because her family's Jewish, but the impression King leaves us with is that his problem stems from ever-spiraling madness, even to the point where Todd is trying to figure out how many sexual encounters he has to have with her before he can break it off and still appear "normal", which is his highest priority, as he is apparently at least vestigially aware that his "normality" is only a front. I hope that helps.



in the movie, there is one scene in the car where she tries to give him head but he doesnt seem to enjoy it.
she says something like "maybe its because you dont like me" and "maybe it is because you like boys" or something like that.

the book is better / more graphic than the movie.
