Survivor at the end

Anyone else found this scene emotional..when the survivor in the hospital realized who the guy next to him was ?


I'm watching this movie on cable (for the millionth time) and that scene gets me every time!!! Especially when he holds the nurse. My heart breaks for him. I would imagine if I were the nurse, I'd start to cry seeing this elderly gentleman holding on to dear life in fear all while crying.

Really good actor and excellent portrayal by him!

Never do something permanently foolish just because you are temporarily upset!


Michael Byrne is quite amazing in that scene as the survivor. All the more ironic considering he played the Nazi in "Last Crusade"!


EXTREMELY! My favorite scene, hands down. (Followed by the subsequent scene in which he is awakened, notices the SOD on the interrogators lapel, ink on his own fingertips, and the black faces which he is meant to trust.) The scene with his survivor (Mr. Heisel?) sort of brought us all back to reality. We know we are watching a film, we know many things discussed did occur, but it does not hit home as much until we truly FEEL a minuscule fraction of how a victim/survivor felt. I would imagine EVERY sane person was touched deeply by that scene, in SOME way.


Excellent scene...but I'll tell you one thing ; if some nazi would have killed my family ; old or not ; I would have strangled them to death with my bare hands in the *beep* hospital bed. The Nazis were the most evil bastards that have ever existed. I have no doubt thousands of them are burning in hell now, even as we speak.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !
