In a Glass Cage

I just read the synopsis for that movie, and it sounds very close to Apt Pupil.


Okay, man, two years later... But, I'm thinking the same thing, and thinking this movie was, in one way or another, kind of a rip off of "In A Glass Cage."

It doesn't really matter, most people here don't know the movie, and know King books, and would probably just nail me if I said it was a rip off (whereas there are 'rip offs' and 'inspirations.')

I don't know, and I don't even know if I should waste time with this movie because "In A Glass Cage" was disturbing enough, and don't need to sit through a watered down version of that movie.

Of course, maybe I'll give Kings' book a spin, because there was no book for the original, and maybe I'll figure it out then.


I'm not sure when Apt Pupil was written, or which came first. But the novella is fantastic and definitely worth reading. I really like the film for the performances and mood but it is watered down from the book, so maybe not your cup of tea.



King's book is from 1982 and IAGC is from 1986 so King's book is not a rip-off.

Anytime you have trouble differentiating a rip-off from an homage (or "inspiration", whatever) just keep in mind that if it's a well-known, mainstream effort that takes an idea from something more obscure then it's an homage, if it's the other way around then it's a rip-off.
