A terrible film.

This is one of the worst films I have seen in a long time. Basically, it exploited an already extensively discussed topic - the Holocaust - just to make a sick, violent, badly done film. The idea that this war criminal would allow himself to be manipulated by a naive kid and then turn the tables to turn the kid to himself become a murderer is so stupid and incredulous beyond belief. Why would he participate in killing this homeless guy? He could have just let the guy go. Now, he was setting himself up for life in prison. I finally had had enough. This movie was violent and disgusting. I turned it off at that point. The movie was just plain stupid and moronic. Why have Ian McKellan playing in such a bad movie? Why would his parents knowingly let their kid go to the home of a stranger every day, even if they were getting divorced? Why would someone who is trying to hide his past, blow it by killing a harmless homeless man? Why would a kid let himself be manipulated to such an extent by this man, when it had gotten to the point of being much worse by being manipulated? This movie was just awful.


You missed three important words from your little rant: "In my opinion". I don't really think you watched the film. Or if you did, you didn't understand most of what was happening. The dynamic of the relationship, and the dynamics of Dussander's relationships with everyone around him, are a closed book to you.


Uh... the notion that it's just his/her opinion is implied by default. To cite Maddox: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/opinion1.gif

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"



Your example fails, though, because Celion Dion does, in fact, suck...in every sense of the word.


Jeremy3, as someone already mentioned, you really should put "in my opinion" at the beginning of your rant.

I'm sorry you couldn't understand the movie, because contrary to your assumations, Apt Pupil wasn't about the holocaust. Apt Pupil was about the progressing relationship of Todd and Mr. Dekker, and the ramifications of this relationship on both of their lives. But sick? Violent? Are you a 12 year old girl?

"Why have Ian McKellan playing in such a bad movie? Why would his parents knowingly let their kid go to the home of a stranger every day, even if they were getting divorced?" - Wow, I see you don't follow movies very well...seeing as anyone with half a brain would have known that Todd's parents getting divorced was a ploy made up by Dekker.

I honestly started writing this reply to your rant respecting your opinion, but after reading more into your post I realized that you truly don't know what you're talking about. You didn't even finish the movie (not that it would have done you much good anyway, your post makes it painfully obvious you were ignorant to the plot from the beginning).

Please, save yourself the embarrassment next time, and watch something you can understand, such as Homeward Bound. Wait, talking animals, you wouldn't understand that either I'm afraid..umm, stick to TV Shows.


Jeremy3, as someone already mentioned, you really should put "in my opinion" at the beginning of your rant.

People who say this, such as you and the poster above you, are MORONS.

EVERY post about the liking or disliking of a film is ALWAYS just an opinion. You don't need to state "IN MY OPINION" in every thread or post you make.

you truly don't know what you're talking about.

Why didn't you write "IN MY OPINION" before this line? Idiot.


In my opinion, you are the idiot.



"watch something you can understand, such as Homeward Bound"

God that made me laugh!

What a dummy the OP was. Seriously did not get the psychology or the point of this movie at all.


Heh, watahoot you gave a great reply, and on my birthday no less...:P

Seriously though, how the *beep* do you think this movie is this ultra-disturbing Holocaust, trash?...I dunno, that Is beyond me. Clearly the OP had a pre-bias going into this movie, or this person just has very poor reasoning ability, or both. Many people these days have absolutely horrific attention spans on top of the other mental health issues they have and/or are spreading around.



I totally agree with you jeremy3. All of your comments are correct valid points. The movie was so unbelievably stupid. I can add some more stuff- ups to the ones you noted. "Why would a boy who was at the top of his class blame the German for letting his grades slip?. He didn't have to continue his "private talks" if it was messing him around so much. As for the German. Why was the part given to a man who looked more like a Jew than a German. And did anyone else notice how he occasionally lost his German accent as well as blubbering here and there, especially at the beginning of the film..pathetic!
Also if the German was as bad, manipulative, and as evil as they made him out to be, then he should have had no problem killing the boy too.
In my opinion I believe the motive behind this film was to degrade Nazi's/Germans . Probably someone who didn't get over the war. Well, if that was their intention, they handled the whole thing stupidly. The whole movie was badly written and unbelievable, like you said jeremy3,...just awful!


Wow, an even bigger dummy than the OP. "Nazis/Germans"?? As if they're the same thing?

I think you and the OP should never be allowed to watch another movie. Ever.


You are aware that Nazis were of german nationality, right?

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


The idea that this war criminal would allow himself to be manipulated by a naive kid and then turn the tables to turn the kid to himself become a murderer is so stupid and incredulous beyond belief.

Todd wasn't naive in the slightest. He knew what he was doing, he just didn't foresee how it would effect him.

Why would he participate in killing this homeless guy? He could have just let the guy go. Now, he was setting himself up for life in prison. I finally had had enough. This movie was violent and disgusting.

As the film clearly shows, Todd had no choice. He had to help Dussander in order to keep him alive, as he believed Dussannder had written a letter that fully explained the extent of Todd's involvement with him and had deposited in a safe that would only be opened in the event Dussander died. Thus ruining the rest of Todd's life. Todd had no choice but to bury the hobo for Dussander.

Why would his parents knowingly let their kid go to the home of a stranger every day, even if they were getting divorced?

Dussander was no 'stranger' to the family, Todd's parents believed he was Edward Denker, and that Todd read books to him. They weren't getting divorced, as stated by someone before this was Dussander's ploy as he posed as Todd's grandfather.

Why would someone who is trying to hide his past, blow it by killing a harmless homeless man?

The killing of the homeless man, as with the (attempted) killing of the cat were representative of how Dussander could not hide his awful past from himself. If you have the read the book, it goes into much more detail of how Dussander thrived on controlling people, and having the power of life or death over people. So I think by killing the hobo he was trying to regain some level of his previous authority and it also how his odd relationship with Todd was affecting him.

Why would a kid let himself be manipulated to such an extent by this man, when it had gotten to the point of being much worse by being manipulated? This movie was just awful.

I don't think what you just put made sense. But I'll say that for a large portion of the time Todd and Dussander knew each other, Todd was manipulating Dussander. The balance slowly shifter to Dussander manipulating Todd, but by the time Todd realised it was far too late to do anything about it.

I hope I've cleared things up for you, I would encourage you to watch the film in it's entirety and also read the book, which is better than the film.


Fantastic response! To add to that:

The mom insisted on having "the stranger" over for dinner in the beginning, in order to meet and vet him.

We must remember that Nazis were not only against Jews, but homosexuals (& others), as well. Once Dussander realized the homeless man to be gay, it was extra incentive for him to execute. You could see his pleasure in his face. Also, he wasn't concerned with getting caught; he had every intention of taking care of the body, had he not suffered heart attack. Being that his victim was a nomadic homeless man, he naturally assumed no one would miss him/report him missing.
(SN- shout out to Elias Koteas- LOVE him!)

In regards to manipulation- as Dussander put it, "My boy... We are *beep* each other."

*Bonus 😊 I think Todd also finished off the homeless man in self-defense (in his mind). Remember Dussander told him he'd knifed him for the same reason.


Why would a kid let himself be manipulated to such an extent by this man, when it had gotten to the point of being much worse by being manipulated? This movie was just awful.

Because the point of manipulation is that the manipulated person doesn't know that he/she is being manipulated, not until it's too late.

If that wasn't the case, why would person-A let person-B manipulate person-A?

Also you misspelled Ian McKellen.
I don't have the slightest idea how it's possible for people to actually misspell names, especially if they are simple.


Damn dude, you're a retard...



tsk tsk tsk OP being stupid
