MovieChat Forums > Glitter (2001) Discussion > Rifftrax probably tripled the number of ...

Rifftrax probably tripled the number of people who've seen this flick

Seriously, they should thank Mike Nelson et al for allowing more people to experience this abomination.

Also, Max's character wasn't a bad guy ... he was just badly written ... or bi-polar.

A note to the writers of this P.O.S. : Pick a personality for each character, then stick with it ... or at least properly explain and justify any personality changes.

There was no reason at all for Max's character to suddenly go mental ... and what happened to his successful career as a DJ?

One minute, the toast of the town ... the next, he was an unemployed failure, jamming with his buddies in his loft.

Top DJ, living the high life in New York, owner of a large, expensive loft, full of expensive things ... yhen, suddenly, broke, struggling to find 100 grand ... yet still living in the expensive loft, full of expensive things.


RiffTrax is the only reason I pirated and sat through this heap. They made it somewhat fun!

It's a threesome if you use both hands.


hey if you disliked this "P.O.S" so much, why did you spend so much time and effort ripping it apart??????


Did you actually like this POS?



I actually paid 55 cents (with a buck for shipping) to buy this film on ebay strictly to enjoy the rifftrax. It's the only way that I would even attempt to sit through this film.

"Now we are carrying so much hate and jade that we're not much better than you"


i'm shocked they didn't mention it, but I honestly think if you edited out every NYC "establishing shot" (they established the HELL out of New York), the story itself probably wouldn't even clock in at 38 minutes.

And a film made in Hollywood doesn't know how directors act? the scene with the music video director was just insanely stupid- no director acts like that. And I'm guessing the way the music industry was portrayed was "less than accurate" as well, which, considering the main actress comes from that industry, they couldn't do any better than that?

my guess, "they just didn't care"


I love Rifftrax, but I can't even watch the Rifftrax version the movie is so bad. It could be said that The Room is a worse movie, but The Room is entertaining bad. Glitter is just boring.

