MovieChat Forums > Glitter (2001) Discussion > This is one of the most unfairly critici...

This is one of the most unfairly criticized movies ever

I felt so compelled to write this after I read the diatribes, eulogies, and outright lies written by so many in the user comments section and even here on the message boards that I had to add my own two cents. After much ado, I finally had the chance to watch this movie; and very frankly, I can't see what the hell you idiots are bitching about! While not a masterpiece, this movie is far from bad, and actually has some heartfelt and memorable moments, along with some BALLADS that are actually reminders of what we once called MUSIC! Not the jungle rap crap or repetitive bubble gum technopop that passes as such. If you're letting some cliche dialogue and an old style formula contaminate your viewpoint, you're better off sticking with Jerry Springer, daytime soap operas, and your American Idol competitors, because that's your intelligence level. This movie has a sensitivity and sentimentality that transcends its shortcomings--but I forgot! Sensitivity and sentimentality don't fall within Millenium's way of thinking anymore. If people aren't shooting and killing one another, *beep* each other's lights out, blinding you with CGI special effects, or creating attention deficit disorder with 90 minutes worth of 1/4 second cuts, it's not worth the price of a used condom. Sadly, this IS the era of desensitization, and that's why someone like Mariah Carey is having such a hard time in the business. Her talent isn't merely a five octave voice, but a depth of heart and soul that Britney, Christina, JLo, or Jessica *beep* no-talent Simpson couldn't begin to compete with! In "Glitter," she shows us a woman who has tasted both sides of life. A woman who has known success, but who has suffered greatly because of it and in spite of it. She has the potential to be a fabulous actress, not by virtue of technique but her ability to employ pathos, something most of you can't even spell, let alone define. She was reminiscent of Judy Garland and an early Barbra Streisand here; and tragically, with audience sensibilities being what they are, THEY wouldn't get past the first audition today! There's an alchemy in this movie that speaks to your soul and affects you on a higher vibrational level. For those of you, most of you, who operate on the lower vibrations, you'll never really get the movie, which is very clear. If you want wooden acting, just watch Desperate Housewives. Try out Ashton Kutcher's work sometime. Take a look at Renee Zelwigger and Catherine Zeta Jones in "Chicago." You couldn't care whether they lived or died, and I'd have preferred if they had done the latter. Try "From Justin to Kelly." I hope that time and intelligent viewership--dying breed, though it is--will afford this movie a fairer and more deserving place in movie history. Certainly not in the bottom 100. Your reaction to this film makes me understand why stars are so ambivalent and wary of the public. They should be.







































rtnf: You're so rude. Geez. Get a life.


I personally applaud your open minded views. I agree with you a 100%. The people who critise this movie are possibly superficial and probably live in a cave. This movie was not horrible and if anyone can't see that you might as well continue watching your pre teen movies. Glitter has depth and a whirwind of emotions which a adolescent probably can't understand but would instead curse as those are the only words in their vocabulary!


"This movie was not horrible" wrong! Im sorry but this is a pathetic excuse for a movie, all it is a selfindulgent 1 hour and 40 min music video, where she depicts her self as this great artist with an big heart and is popular with all her 'homies' and is involved in this clique love story that does not work. I dont mind if people are open minded, thats fine, but it seems like you genrealise anyone who dislikes this movie as being 'superficial', and that seems extremly closed minded.


I personally really liked this movie, and thought it was a lot better then what most people said about it. But I can definetely see how many people wouldn't like it, and that's fine. They're just being honest, which is more than what most people are on these message boards! But I do think singers who do films get it a lot tougher than actors/actresses, and that's not fair. I'm not necessarily talking about "Glitter," just in general. You guys should rent "Wisegirls" with Mariah Carey. She got rave reviews and a standing ovation at the Sundance Film Festival. It's a dark, gritty drama.


I have to say that depth was not something I would give this film credit for. A film that has depth makes you think about it, as in really giving you something to figure out for yourself. I don't think it's fair to call all these people "pre-teens". Actuly, I thought this *was* a pre-teen movie. And as for living in a cave? Well, for me, at least they are spared the drama of watching Mariah Carey attempt to act. I agree that with these sort of movies (ahem Crossroads, Gigli, Overboard) they are prone to prejudice, and it it is in no way fair. I think however it would be fair to say that this movie wasn't all that great, and that it doesn't deserve to be lower in the worst list than Crossroads!


HELLO?!? Come on, this movie sucks balls! You need to expand your basis for comparison by watching some films that are NOT on USA Network or Lifetime Channel.



I watched this movie with all of my friends, sure we might be teenagers (15-16) just right to watch this movie, but I really agree on what's being said here. All of my friends, including me, loved this movie! And I was actually shocked when I saw how many ppl are flaming it! Except I shouldn't be shocked because, after all, it is a Mariah Carey movie and all stuck-up idiots that are not open minded are doomed to hate this movie without even trying to see what it's about!
Just like everybody hated Paris Hilton in "House of Wax" before it even got out! Sure, maybe she's not the best actress, but I really liked her in that movie. And my point is all you idiots out there that say you hated Paris Hilton in the movie, just because she IS Paris Hilton, can go screw urselves.
I'm sry I didn't mean to make this comment all about Paris Hilton, I just find a resemblance between her and Mariah Carey (when it comes to movies /acting).
I bet half of the ppl that say this movie sucks haven't even watched it


I totally LOVE this movie!

i really agree with you!



You can like Glitter if you want, it's a stupid silly movie, not horrible but not good. However you can like it. BUT, to say that "Mariah was reminiscent of Judy Garland and an early Barbra Streisand here" is the dumbest most stupid thing I've ever heard. Mariah's acting was generally BAD and at most DECENT, please don't insult Judy and Barbra. Get a clue!


Don't ever use the word transcend when discussing this movie...

The only thing it transcended was the air between it and my trash can.

"There's an alchemy in this movie that speaks to your soul"
-Who is paying you to say this? Come on, seriously.

Don't go comparing this birdcage lining with other garbage to further your point either...this isn't a F!@#ing movie/film, OK!?!

This is one long music video which had hopes of swindling money from mindless children. Luckily, it was so God aweful to the point of hilarity and will be forever coupled with the likes of Manos:Hands of Fate.

Leap, fall or get out of the way"



Good, but I like mine better :)

Let's start a list of things that Glitter "transcended", shall we?

Ill go again...

Glitter transcended commercial prositution and took a deeper look at Hollywoods money-hungry music producers...




holy @#$% what the hell is wrong with you? IF this movie is soo great why do almost all of the people that have seen it hate it? Its the most retarded movie ever made. Mariah Carey was just trying to make a quick buck and failed miserably.


I'm replying to a comment someone made a while ago who said it sucked so bad, it didn't even make it to theaters! It came out in theaters nationwide the week after September 11,2001, and that could've been one of the main reasons it was completely forgotten. Now, I'm not saying that it would've been a hit otherwise because a lot of people generally don't like this movie, but that could've had something to do with it doing as bad as it did. And for the people who are criticizing Mariah Carey, at least she's trying new things. Go rent "Wisegirls." She got a standing ovation for her role in that at the Sundance Film Festival.


9bender9 : I have nothin' against you or your comments against this movie but I'd just like to point this out. Mariah Carey didn't need to make a quick buck, and she did not, especially, make this movie to make money. She had been workin' on this project for more than 3 years and it meant a lot to her. It isn't just some vanity project so let's just get that straight.

As for "most retarded movie ever made". well I don't know about that, it's your opinion. After all, I haven't seen every movie that's been made unlike some people.


well, apart from being cliche and predictable, it wasnt that bad. I mean, at least it has a feasible plot, unlike some really idiotic movies (Fast and the Furious immediately comes to mind, but im positive there are more). Not to mention the good music (Reflections, Didnt Mean To Turn You On).

As far as her acting... it was pretty mediocre, but it was her first movie. If you look at her improvement in "Wisegirls", we can just imagine how good shes going to be in "The Sweet Science".
