MovieChat Forums > Glitter (2001) Discussion > 100 movies worse than Glitter

100 movies worse than Glitter

ok, so it wasnt great. fair enough. but i dont think it rates in the bottom 250 of all time. so I thought I would get started some movies that I have seen that I think are worse.

1. Street Fighter
2. Mortal Kombat Annilation
3. Broken Flowers
4. Hollywood Homocide.

"I am Jack's cold sweat."


5. "The Hottie and The Nottie"

I know what you mean, I try to give these so-called "terrible" films a shot. "Gigli", for example, is a film I enjoy (the doomed "Bennifer" flick). But "The Hottie and The Nottie" is actually a bad film, it's not defendable.


6. Manos: The Hands of Fate

Green Day's new album 21st Century Breakdown available May 15th!


7. Legally Blonde 2



8. Swept Away


Nope Glitter was way worse then that


9. Ultraviolet - My vote history (>7000 titles)


10. State Property
11. State Property II (too bad Mariah was in that one as well)


12. My Boss's Daughter (With Ashton Kutcher and Tara Reid). It is an absolute crime to have a bottom 100 and not include this deplorable movie.

"I am Jack's cold sweat."



14. 10,000 B.C.

The worst movie I've paid full price to see in a theater.


15. Paradise (1982 movie, with Phoebe Cates, terribly stupid)
16. Romeo and Juliet (the DiCaprio version... even he can't save it)


Ballistic: Ecks v. Sever. That one hurt...


18. Showgirls

Compelling.Brilliant.Beautifully acted.




Epic movie - 1st movie ive ever seen that i actually could not sit through because it was so bad.


Land of the College Prophets

Four Brothers (When you have Four brothers who are all bad asses, and want revenge for their mother's death. The ending was a straight up rip from training day.)


Spawn. Now that was a very average movie.

"I am Jack's cold sweat."


There are those who call Showgirls a brilliant satiric film from the mind of Paul Verhoeven. I'm not one of them -- I see it as prurient filth from a director who'd miscalculated the audience's appetite for excess -- but there really are people who think that it's a misunderstood masterpiece.



24. From Justin to Kelly
25. Meet the Spartans
26. Cannibal Holocaust (have no clue why this is rated 6.1, bad acting, crappy story, and real animal killings... just awful)


27. Ghosts of Girfriends Past.
Just awful.


5. La Bigorne- horrible foreign film from the 1950s that I was forced to suffer through while my malicious teacher, who made us watch it, sat grading papers in a semi-dark corner. I will never forgive her.

6. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: The acting was great, but the story line was so boring that it was impossible to sit through. When it was given to me as gift for Christmas, I immediately stored it in my drawer. Horrible, Horrible movie.

7.) Glen or Glenda: Worst movie ever made. Period.

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.


To the person that said the movie Popstar with Aaron Carter. . . I second that.


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?

You must be high on cocaine.


Pootie Tang
Club Dred
Little Man
Swept Away (the remake, not the original)
Shanghai Surprise
Cool As Ice
The Love Guru


I know we've already reached over twenty but these deserve a special mention.

Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus. (Shudder)
Queen of the Damned.
Blood Sucking Freaks.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


all about steve
the unborn

Step out, Beyonce haters :P


I know who killed me.



Crack in the floor < - Worst Movie Ever.



Longshot (gawd awful Lou Pearlman-created mess!)

Seth Green fangirl.
LOTR geek.


Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie - The film, originally three hours long, was edited in half and was just by-god awful to watch. Even if the film was three hours long, it would still not be a good movie considering how cheaply made it was, this was essentially a 90 minute power rangers episode.







I'll add Soul Plane and Boat Trip. Agreed on I Know Who Killed Me.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


There are at least a thousand movies worse than "Glitter".


Pootie Tang? Oh come now, dont you get a laugh of how stupid it is once in awhile?
Glitter is just another 2 hr waste of people OMGing over Mariah's voice. Whoopie do. Yea its on HBO right now.I think it had potential, but no one cares about how she sings because she was plastered in our face so much and now shes on American Idol. I loved last night on Idol, there was this little dude that came up there and he was so happy to see Nicki Minaj. Well when Mariah went to talking, he said something about still being happy to be in the same room with Nicki. I can understand that, Mariah kinda muffles, well so much for my opinion closes her eyes and tightens her mouth up. We have it recorded. I made hubby wind it back to make sure that is what I heard. LOL HILARIOUS. Im sure that Nicki Minaj would trample her all over that place if they was to rumble.


Gigli, or anything with J-Lo, excluding Selena, Money Train, and U-Turn.
