The Strawberries?

What was the significance of the frozen, rotting strawberries that Maggie puts under Anton's pillow? Matthew Broderick asks about them once, and near the end, when Meg Ryan forgives Anton, she gets them from under his (Anton's) pillow and throws them away. I don't recall them really explaining it.

"Hey, it's all part of the magic."



anton was allergic...that is why he was itchy and all broken out......


Then she scratched him with the hand that had held the offending strawberries


That was the best part.


she showed him the strawberries so he knew she did it and then she scratched Antons face to show that she forgave him and she was sorry for everything she did to him. the fact that it was the same hand she held the strawberries in was unintentional and irrelevant


That whole final sequence seemed strangely touching and serious for a goofy rom-com (starting with Anton's confession that he couldn't force himself to love Maggie until Maggie started scratching him)

Anton turned out to be the most sympathetic and grown-up character in the movie (though he was still far from perfect)
