why has no one said anything about this movie?! it' awsome, danny devitto rocks. and the scene when the heads are signing is a classic.



oh duh my bad. yeah, david and his buddy that goes crazy. great movie. i came across a movie poster of it that i now have. it made me sad that no one had ever said anything about it on here before. hey keifer is hot! what's the name of that one movie where he was a hippie turned cop going after the 60's radical?

i wandered lonely as a cloud



hey. sorry, no messenger, but if i ever get around to getting it i'll add you. yeah, they play flashback on comedy central all the time. dennis hopper's not so bad looking either. ; ) very good movie, isn't it also carol kane that's in it too? thanks for letting me know about walmart. and too, david spade is awsome, i love hollywood minute from snl. well, talk to ya later.

i wandered lonely as a cloud


Where, in the name of god, did you find danny devito in here?? it's pesci!!!


i was about to say that same thing Aerovertice! 😝


HAhahahHAh, danny devito......!!?? joe pesci!


This is the only movie I have ever walked out on...I was with about four people and I just looked over after about one hour and said "do u guys wanna go?"....and everybody just got up and walked out....torture


DANNY DEVITO??? OH MY GOD!, You are really learning your A-B-C's in movies "Bird". It's Joe Pesci you ignorant f*#$%

Experience is a hard teacher, it gives you the test first, and after that it gives you the lesson.


i think she knows that now!
easy mistake - they are kinda similar.
and jumping in to point out that you knew it was pesci dont make u no clevererer :)

anyhoo I'm gonna watch this movie this afternoon and see if its any good...


watchin this movie now missed the first 40 mins so am a bit confuzed, not confuzed enough to confuze joe pesci for danny devito tho. lol


ermm its a mistake, dont go all crazy lol


wow this board dosent move very fast! this was still the top thread.
its 6 months later and i got round to wathing the film.
it was ok , best thing about it was you didnt know what was going to happen next!


Damn, this movie was funny!

Bring our troops home, NOW!

Let Iraq stir in their own stew!


7/28/07 2:30AmCST WGN Chicago`s Very own WGN that is."8 Heads In A Duffle Bag".Just got in from work.This is my first viewing.Comment in full after...
"Do not let thorns in your side become nails in your coffin".-Bruce Richard Bundy 10/2006


Great flick. I love when Dyan Cannon's character is freaking out after seeing the head inside the van and she says it looks like a guy she dated in high school named Hugo, and Joe Pesci and David Spade smile at each other and give a high-five.
