Shaving their heads

Why did they do this? The Bjork guy also did this. Does it represent something?


I think it was just a way to symbolize their unity, their commitment to their murderous task.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I guess it makes them look tough or something.


I'd like to know if the hair from the seats got vaccuumed up afterwards. It was Cesar's car and he just died, so I don't expect he would've done it.


Actually the car was boosted, so all they really did was leave behind a ton of physical evidence. Proof that they were in fact typical stupid gangbangers.

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I <3 Emily Blunt


To me, it was what Mexican gang members were doing in the mid 90s, before it was slicked back hair like the other guy not c or Stevie, bald shaved to look more hardcore


They do it for their mug shot (PD or coroner), in case they get caught or dead.

Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid.
