Available in DVD

I can't find the 1997 verison available in DVD anywhere.

Can someone help me out?


dunno about DVD, but when we watched it in class,the one we watched was VHS

join the green bread roll society, you know you want to...


I am looking for this myself. I have only found a New Zealand DVD thus far. I can't find any news about a region DVD being released either. A shame really...


It is only available in region 4 but if you have a region free DVD player, as I do, that is not a problem.

"If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me."


That's a problem to me, since I live in Brazil and although we're region 4, a New Zealand DVD wouldn't come with subtitles... What confuses me is why a fine 1997 movie just didn't make it to DVD yet, with so many crap out there nowadays.


That's right, there are no subtitles on the region 4 DVD.

"If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me."
