MovieChat Forums > 12 Angry Men (1997) Discussion > tony danza really makes this movie

tony danza really makes this movie

Really, with out the danz there is no remake. Possibly his best work.


It might have been his best work and he was good in it but he was hardly irreplaceable.


his line "his own lawyer didn't believe him! his OWN lawyer!" sends chills that it does


What are you smoking? Tony Danza is the biggest joke in Hollywood. He can't act, he's not funny. He does not deserve to be in the same room with the likes of George C. Scott and Jack Lemmon. You really have no sense of talent. You probablt like Jimmy Fallon too!


Pretty much what Kern said, For me Lemmon makes this movie, not Danza at all.


Actually, the one that got me "flabbergasted" for his acting in here was George C. Scott. Lemmon was remarkable too.

now this is acting:


George C. Scott was tremendous in this.

"I do not like mixing up moralities and mathematics."


I would have to disagree with you kerndtsr. I believe Tony very well plays his character and he was very funny. I watched this movie in school and every time he talked I would scream out "HEY DANNY ZUKOOO". Once again my point is, I would have to very much, very strongly disagree with you.


i'm just going to take a wild guess and say that if they revealed his character name, chances are, it will be "tony". i doubt the man can play any character that's not named tony.

Homer: I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!


I agree with the OP


I thought this re-make was pretty good EXCEPT for Danza.

"Make like that's a nipple"John Bernard Books


I thought Danza was good, actually really good. I don't think there was a weak performance in the film .



I was very skeptical of Tony when I first started watching, but I was wrong. He was awsome in characterization and being lost in the moment, in this film. I know this character feels like an extention of his "Who's the Boss" character, but his readings, in this film, were so well done, that I almost believed that he was coming up with the lines on the spot. His delivery was so natural, so effortless, it felt real. On the other hand, George C. Scott, whom I love and respect as an actor, really over did it with his ending monologue. He hamed it up, and played it way over the top. I perfer Tony's natural delivery to Scott's "acting" in his finaly monologue. It doesn't need to feel forced to be a good performance, it only needs to feel real. I'm not a Tony Danza fan by any means, but in this role, I feel he deserves some props.


Danza was really good in this film, that scene where he says that kid's own lawyer didn't believe him, his OWN lawyer. That line was delivered perfectly. I agree, every performance in this film is top-notch. I LOVE this film as much as I LOVED the original. The original is a classic but this one is very underrated, the performances in this one were very powerful.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


I think along similar lines.

Scott is a fine actor, one of the best in the world. Only he could be so awesome as to earn an Oscar and then turn it down, cuz it represented cheap acting. But in this flick he felt hammy and overdone. It was so much it almost ruined the whole film because it felt out of place. The earlier version was more realistic.

But Tony Danza felt like one of the few true New Yorkers and his performance seemed as natural and realistic as anyone else, if not the most realistic. Edward James Olmos was perfect too. The rest were just really darn good.


Yes, Tony Danza is one of the finest actors living today. The other actors pale in comparison. I hope George C. Scott and Jack Lemmon learned a thing or two from his stellar performance.
