MovieChat Forums > The Weird Al Show (1997) Discussion > This Show should be on DVD!

This Show should be on DVD!

I watched this show religiously for the year it was on. I believe it should be released in a dvd set.


I agree, I'm tired of watching it on low-quality VCD's.

I'd like a DVD set with audio commentaries by Al, Jay Levey, and maybe Dick Clark, behind the scenes documentaries, and just for good measure, the UHF trailer.

Just ignore the babbling idiot.


I think it should be too. I loved it

~~I do not fear death. It is what comes after death I fear.~~I see freedom dance and hatred fly.~~


God..I was like 16 when this came on, and woke up so freakin' early just tow atch it. I would totally buy this on DVD. This and Pee-wee's Playhouse should be released on DVD.


I just became a Weird Al fan like 2 years ago, so I never saw it, but I REALLY want to. I can't beleive they haven't released it on DVDs.

Paris Hilton... House of Wax... Oh, I get it!


I never saw the show, cause I'm not from USA. BUT I saw a few previews on te ultimate collection dvd.

I would like to buy it on dvd.

A question, it was a show for kids ? It is to childish or it's good ?

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I usually speak french !


Yeah, this was definitely a kiddie show. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d buy the DVDs. I never saw the show live, but I got ‘em all from off the ‘net. Apparently CBS was willing to let Al do a show, but it had to be educational. The resulting plotlines are just kinda not good, but you can definitely tell that this is still Al’s show. There is a lot of awesome material he manages to work in. (Ever see the preview for ‘60% Chance of Rain’ at the Poodle Tour? It came from the Weird Al Show!) There are also a bunch of fake TV ads reminiscent of UHF. And the educational films that Al shows to Bobby the Inquisitive Boy are just loaded with funny stuff. (That film about where dirt comes from, from the Poodle Tour? That’s from the Weird Al Show too!) Al also managed to pull in a bunch of celebrity guests, like Barenaked Ladies, Terri Garr, his own Mom, Dr. Demento,Taj Mawry (hope I spelled that right), and John Tesh.

Personally, I’d love to see this and AL-TV released on DVD, but apparently that second one isn’t quite legal or something.


I say it is a mater of time before this is on dvd
this was only on for one year so we might get to see the complete series
scenes from this show are on The Ultimite Weird Al Video Collection


i remember very little of the show but i would wake up and watch it and then go back to bed...does anyone know how many episodes there were...anyway a little known fact i met him like 4 years ago...if i ever meet him again which will happen again im gonna tell him to put this on dvd




I agree tottally with you guys! They should release all 13 episodes in a Complete Series Set with commentaries, etc. That would be great, as I myself am a Big AL fan but never saw the show.


I can't beleive that this isn't on DVD. Usually whenever somethign starring Weird Al yankovic gets released on DVD the DVD usually sells really well. Weird Al Yankovic: The Ultimate Video Collection sold well on DVD. UHF sold well on DVD. I think Weird Al Yankovic Live! also did well on DVD.

besides, there are only thirteen episodes. One set and 3-4 discs would be needed. If it didn't sell well, then at least we wouldn't worry about whether other seasosn would be released because there weren't any other seasons.



It's coming to DVD!!! August 15 is the release date. It will have commentaries and stuff like that.
