Robson Green's acting

I just got through watching the entire series of Touching Evil, and am working through Wire in the Blood. It occurs to me that Robson Green is actually a pretty credible and probably fairly under rated actor. His portrayal of the tortured, hot headed burnt out cop in TE is a far cry from Tony Hill in WITB. Creegan is sharp, highly strung, fairly cocky and hides a dark and troubled soul. Hill, on the other hand, while tormented in other ways wears his heart on his sleeve, is clumsy, socially awkward, openly vulnerable and ultimately, I think, incredibly endearing. While both characters tend to shy away from emotional intimacy, they are very different and he plays both very well.

I never gave any credit to Robson Green, probably because I judged him from his Soldier, Soldier and Robson and Jerome days. I'm really very glad I gave his work a second look.


In my book, he can do no wrong. And the fact he's so beautiful don't hurt.

He and Francesca Annis in "Reckless." (Clutch pearls)


Green did a superb job in all those programs. He has those penetrating eyes.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 
