Karen Wexler

I was watching GH today (I'm a few days behind, thank God for Tivo!), and Scott Baldwin mentioned his two daughters, Karen and Serena, but said that Karen died a few years ago in a car accident. I watched every episode of PC, and I just don't remember that!

I remember Eve dying in an accident, but can anybody tell me what happened to Karen? Right now I can't remember anything about what happened to her in the end or if she was even still on the show! I'm sure I've just forgotten them killing her in an accident, but I just don't remember it.



Hi KHolland, yes I noticed too that Scotty mentioned a PC happening on GH the other day, and that is rare when that happens! Anyway, here's what happened to Karen: she was dating Frank and, one day in Karen's apartment, "vampire Frank" was insistent on biting Karen and turning her into a vampire. Karen refused, she was adamant, she did not want to become a vampire! Karen tried to fight off Frank from biting her, she was able to escape her apartment and Frank, and run outside. Sadly, Karen in her fright ran directly into the path of a oncoming car, and was hit. She died soon after at GH. I will never forget Chris Ramsey's statement as he sat next to Karen's dead body in the hospital. He said, "there were seven of us, seven interns, and I'm the last one left". And indeed he was. Karen had just died, Eve had also been killed, Julie supposedly died off-camera from a disease, Jake was murdered at the nurses ball, Joe was living out of town in a small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and then of course there was Matt. He had escaped port charles as the mob was out to kill him.
Well I know all this was more info than you probably wanted, but it's the most thorough answer than I can possibly give, lol. Have a good day, KHolland!


That's awesome! :) I knew somebody else would remember, thanks so much!!!

OK, but now I've confused myself.... Matt....was that Mitch Longley's character? I get confused b/c I watch him now on Las Vegas, and he goes by Mitch.

Anyway, thank you SO much for the info! It's clear as a bell now! :)



Yes, Mitch Longley started out as Matt on PC, then when he left the show he was on Judging Amy for a while and now on Las Vegas for about the last 5 years.



For some reason I was thinking he was Mitch on PC, too...but duh....Matt. :)

DANG I miss that show!
