Skipping episodes

Is Soapnet skipping episodes? I just watched two days worth that I had recorded and they totally jumped. It went from Ian telling Arianna that she couldn't take a photo album with her, to Arianna being in the hospital because Ben had stabbed her. Also, all of a sudden Frank and Karen are fighting about Nellie. They weren't before.
Soapnet s ucks for skipping episodes!!!!


They did it again last night. Jumped from planning to save the Nurses Ball, to the Ball being over and there was some kind of train wreck or something!


If you recall, the Nurses Ball that year took place on both GH & PC. They didn't skip anything. We just didn't see the episode of GH. That was the train wreck that Emily Q was hurt on GH.


yes they skipped the nurses ball episode i have it on tape i taped all the nurses balls including when port charles had it too the episode they skipped has gabby at the nurses ball stripping because she is under calebs power.
