The Funniest Scene

Remember the scene where Penelope, her servant, and Odeysseus' mother were at the beach just before Odeysseus' mom drowns herself? All I'm asking is - what's the servant doing in the background? She looked like a mental patient, but it was so funny! Anybody remember that scene?


it was supposed to be a serious scene but i also found the servant's actions to be funny. she seem to be like praying or crying but it was over the top and came out looking stupid


Does anybody have the clip?

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.


yeah it was funny. i didn`t wanna laugh tho, coz it was suppose to be a sad/serious scene. LOL =]


hahaha, i didnt notice that but me and evry1 else n my class that was watching bursted out laughing wen penelope jumped out n front of her mother n law and screamed out NOOOOOOOO!! it was soo tacky!!!


LMAO same hahahahahahhahaa

And she makes no attempt to stop her just the 'NOOOOOOOO'


Yeah, in fact the greeks were more, heh, "theatrical" than us today.

Servants hitting their heads with their hands and moaning like that is indeed described in the Odyssey, along with people making rather "tacky" suff.

Plus the director is some russian theater guy.

So while I did like and found most of those scenes good and relevant (like Odysseus' men embracing him and mourning before he enters Hades), that particular scene did come off too tacky on Greta Stachi's part (I didn't find the servant on the background in the least funny though).

However, the guy who played Antinoo cracked me up whenever he showed up. He along with Eric Roberts were the best comic relief!


i remember the servent girl looking like she had been possessed or something and i remember starting to laugh but then realising no one else was laughing so i decided to turn it into a really loud cough. but now that you mention it i remember penelope yelling "NOOOO!!!!!!!" right before she killed herself. i also thought it was funny how after walking about up to her knees in water she suddenly dissapeared.

Irishmen are the GREATEST lovers.
"Suicide Hotline, please hold..." <3


It wasn't funny--
That's actually the accurate way of morning according the the Old Greeks.

They beat their breasts, tear their hair, and wail.
It may look comical, but-- I never saw that scene funny.

Like the Jews in the Bible.
When they're upset, they literally rip off their clothes. (Wasn't that a scene in Fiddler on the Rooftop?)

Seems funny, it isn't.


No spanishfli, it was pretty funny. Hilarious even.


Yeah, I agree it was quite funny.

Everyone in my class burst out laughing when Odysseus' men all started hugging him. I don't know.. That was funny too. I mean, it may be realistic but especially the first guy that hugged him (the one that wouldn't let go) cracked me up. I thought it was a hilarious movie which had no intention of being funny. Or maybe we were just really insensitive...


oh shutup you idiots.


...I think its just Fiddler on the Roof...
not Rooftop.
sorry that was completely irrelevant. but I can see how the grieving was a Greek "thing" but everyone in my class busted out laughing when Penelope just jumps in front of Odysseus's mom and yells "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
I know him! I know him!

reply was hilarious. I think the funniest scene is with Aeolus, the God of the Wind. What the heck were they thinking with that casting. Read the poem...Aeolus is nothing like some old dude from the Bronx...

p.s. Sorry to any old dudes from the Bronx. I didn't mean to insult you.


spanishfli, give yourself a break and don't take things too seriously, have a laugh when you see something funny in a serious movie


We were watching that in school today! I had a laughing breakdown at that point. That was hilarious. The whole scene was hilarious. She was doing that weird thing with her hands.. hahaha... and the wail of "Noooo!". Genius.


My favorite was "YOU BETRAYED ME! YOU FOOLS!" but "Who's the God of Wind?... I am!" was hilarious as well, not to mention everything Mentor said.


everyone in my latin class though it was funny too. but my latin teacher said that the greeks were very emotional


That Scene was hilarious I had to watch it at school and the teacher kept rewinding the part were Penelope jumps in front of her mother-in-law and screams


