Why was the Flash so fat?

I saw the trailer and he looked like a fatass.


Don't you mean the Atom? Or maybe both were chunky?
This is why most super hero shows try to avoid spandex. Few actors have the bodies that artists can give their characters on the page.


Flash was average, which is fat for any Flash. Atom was a chubby little man. And J'onn J'onzz was so damn fat. He probably ate all the Martians and is planning on eating all the Humans.


They were in shape in their civilian clothes. I think they wore padding under the costumes to make them appear muscular, but it just came off as fat.


skinny fat


I saw the movie a long time ago and that was it, the suits they were to make them look like they were superheroes were thick. Batman and the Flash tv show made the filmmakers think they needed similar suits I guess, but if done cheaply they look like pillows.

Other David Ogden Stiers I don't think anyone was overweight from what I remember
