Edited DVD versions

I bought the 1&2 series boxset and 3&4 (+christmas) all at release so am predicting that I own the edited version of these episodes. Does anyone know the specific cuts that were made? thanks


I have the full series 1-4 and specials boxset and they contain the full versions of all of the episodes if that is what you're asking?

Babies kill TV shows!


Why would you naturally assume the DVD's are cut versions? I'd have assumed they'd be full length... programmes are usually cut for TV due to over long running times or watershed problems but I'd assume retail DVD's would remain intact.

"The World Wide Web: where even the most stupid amongst us are equally entitled to their opinion"


Believe it's quite a well known fact that when the dvd's of season 3&4 were released they used the edited versions by accident. was just wondering if anybody knew the differences





Not exactly well known but thanks for letting me know! I have all the episodes on Divx files but will now be well aware if I go for 'hard copy' versions in the future.

"The World Wide Web: where even the most stupid amongst us are equally entitled to their opinion"



Also slightly off topic, but that's one of my favourite episodes of Hustle and I too only re-watched it on DVD a fortnight or so ago...

"The World Wide Web: where even the most stupid amongst us are equally entitled to their opinion"


I downloaded 27 episodes in a single file last year. The regular eps run from 48 to just over 50 minutes long. They appear to have been sourced from DVD, uninterrupted credits and without superimposed logos.


I've been going through my JC boxed set over the holidays and I'm still not exactly sure they are uncut. Each episode runs to about 50 minutes, and the episode that originally made me check out if the episodes were unedited remains the same. That story was The Curious Tale of Mr. Spearfish and I'd swear in the televised version of the episode Maddy was temporarily blinded by the same laser target that was responsible for the death of the gunman, and JC mentions it when summing up the case. The brief scene and Creek's referring back to it does not appear in the episode in the Boxed set. I'm sure I'm not imagining it...

I really hate edited films/TV shows so hopefully at some stage a definitive uncut set will be released, or I may have imagined it... my boxed set was the blueish boxed set as opposed to the ochre colored one so I don't if that makes a difference. There is a very detailed list of cuts in the Only Fools And Horses DVD's on Wikipedia, wish there was one for Jonathan Creek!


I doubt it. Series 2 and 3 ran for 50 minutes in the original transmissions. 1 and 4 were 60 minutes.

The only time I can remember anything about Maddy and her eyes is when she's sprayed in the face with spray paint in Ghosts Forge?

Babies kill TV shows!
