MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Creek (2014) Discussion > For those that worked any of The Judas T...

For those that worked any of The Judas Tree out

What did you come up with and when did you work it out?

I was wrong about The Bald Man. I knew he was trying to get help but thought he was trapped in some sort of bog.

The method of the murder of The Doctor got me. Shattering glass with a voice is virtually impossible, especially over that distance.

All I managed was that The Eigth Doctor was involved but didn't really know how and that Emily? (I honestly can't remember many people's names this time around) had to be involved somewhere in some way. It was the line when Paul McGann says about the secret to writing crime books is to make people trust the wrong people....That spoke out as Emily to me.

So what about you lot?

Cilla Black For Doctor 12. Badger (of Bodger and Badger fame) For New Non-Human Male Companion.


I got most of the final murder as it happened. ie that it wasnt really Harriet who flew out the window. That he'd swapped the dummy (as I assumed it was) for the real Harriet when he briefly ran out of sight.

I assumed that he had somehow conned Harriet into playing along with (what Harriet thought was) a plot to frame the blonde woman, but that, as soon as no-one was looking, he stabbed her to death.

Didnt get all the stuff with the other woman in the BMW, and I dont see how anyone could have sussed all that.


The murdered Doctor, I worked partly out, I knew it was the watch, but I though it would have been coated in poison or something.

Paul mcgann was obviously involved seeing as he was the only one who could have switched the picture on the wall, no one else went near it, i assumed the wife ropped him into it but didn't explain the whole agenda.

I thought it would end up with his wife having cancer or something and deliberately jumping, framing the girl because she thought Paul mcgann was having an affaire with her.

I had no idea about the house disappearing though.

to be honest it wasn't the strongest of episodes.
forever a


I was miles off. I thought either the Doctor was done in by blow dart using the pipe or else the notion that he was going to die at a certain time caused him undue stress and anxiety which made his heart fail (I've read about that happening in similar 'curse' incidents). Of course both these ideas were dismissed through the course of proceedings.

I thought the old cleaning lady framed the blonde woman because she was upset that the author was employing more help. She found this insulting and thought she'd get revenge by making the blonde woman go crazy and by murdering the dark haired woman. I thought she polished the floor very well then got someone to push her. Again this idea was dismissed whenever the woman identified her killer.

I thought the tree was something to do with witchcraft (!?!?!).

I've solved previous Creek episodes, I can assure you! But as you can see I was miles off last night and it actually added to my enjoyment of the show because I was very surprised. I've noticed today that some reviews are highly critical but I enjoyed it very much.


I guessed that Harriet wasn't really dead but that was mostly because she was a good actress in it so the unconvincing screaming out the window and death made me think it couldn't be meant to be real. Also the material she had was a perfect square from the sash of the dress had she pulled as she fell the whole sash would have come off or at least most of it.

I have to admit I assumed the picture was in emily's imagination and I didn't realise the guy was involved - also I had no idea what happened to the original doctor guy!


LOL, I also suspected some sort of blow dart as well since the pipe seemed like the perfect tool for that.


I thought the house had sunk into a bog and guy was trying to get out

As for rest while I enjoyed JC return, the plot had some major probs and it was mess trying to work it out. As we werent privvy to the brother's demise until right to the end it made it near on impossible



I really didn't see the young girls past coming at all. I thought something was up when his "wife" fell he picked her up off the spikes, would have caused further damage pulling her up from the fence tbh. Overall I thought it was a good episode though


She was impaled through the stomach, so she would have most likely suffered a prolonged and painful death.


The dedication to HCN struck me as obvious, because I've had this username for years. And as a plot hole, really. Northcote was a doctor with a bunch of scientist friends, and none of them noticed it? Seriously?!?


I seriously doubted that Harriet was dead, though the switch-a-roo at the gate threw me a little.

At one stage I thought that her husband had killed her because she was pregnant with another man's baby, but the actor was playing his part more as "sad" than "sinister" (as other wife-killers have done in the past) and I couldn't really bring myself to believe it.

That's as far as I could though!

Kanye West: One of God's Little Jokes


I thought the bald man was reaching for help (although for a second he reminded me of the old guy from "The Three Gamblers").

I thought the wife was playing the part of the gypsy woman from 1880, she did resemble her a bit.

The housekeeper seemed off to me, but I didn't know why.

All that stuff at the beginning I thought was to set up Emily's imagination/paranoia.

I did wonder at how long the wife survived after being impaled like that.

It was good, but I still don't like Joey.
"The pen is mightier than the sword, and is considerably easier to write with."--Marty Feldman


The only thing I knew was that the author would be involved somehow. Not so much because of his wife or the general story, just because he had that suspicious look about him

I think I've ripped my spleen- Louie Spence


As far as the old mystery goes, I thought it was just silly to begin with. An inhalable poison when they say "no poison" was detected. Surely even an inhalable poison has clear signs and symptoms when it causes someone's demise. A cracked watch, that they didn't tell us about, as far as I can remember? I thought it was the closest to utter rubbish a JC episode has ever been.

I 'm pretty happy to where I got to with the main mystery, because I couldn't have foretold the story from the girl's past out of thin air. I figured his wife, or at least who we thought was his wife (because of the sub story about their recently coming back and no one knowing much about her) was alive, and I thought they 'd thrown someone else out instead. And that the wife, or "wife", was alive and playacting through the "she did it" bit. I imagined it could have been his actual wife he was killing (that we'd not seen so far) and that's why after he found out she was pregnant, he confessed that to the priest due to immense guilt for killing his own child.

But then I just couldn't stomach it even for a JC episode the fact that both the priest and the landlady might have been around to not make this work, attesting to the fact that the body did not resemble the supposed victim. Surely, it seemed like a children's play to have the main witnesses rushed neatly out of sight when the police and paramedics where picking up the victim.

On second thoughts it's equally unlikely that a woman kept tied up and force fed only to be killed later wouldn't show signs of physical harm, from the ropes and all, to forensics.

I also tried very hard to figure out the deal with the tree. And I think it was a cheat that you couldn't really figure anything out about it. If you 'd noticed there was a pretty identical looking tree right behind the table where they sat witnessing the murder, and I thought maybe they are pulling some perspective trick by having a fake tree stand up, a la the past story of the girl, to switch the perception of where they are actually sitting, that was rubbish of course, but what else could you think about when they are not giving you any clues?

Also, lastly, wtf was that about JC finding the tea spoon realizing where they sat and figuring it all out? He didn't ask where they were sitting to begin with? Also, which is worse, in the actual death scene you see him rushing past the gate, not seemingly stooping a bit and making the switch...

I did enjoy the episode, but it was far from well done all in all.
