MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Creek (2014) Discussion > No Trace of Tracy..what was the point?

No Trace of Tracy..what was the point?

The gypsies plan was the guy needed to be in that room and conscious at 4pm when the girl got off the bus and into the house. But why does that matter at all? Whether he tells the police he was unconscious or conscious at that time, what does it matter? He was being made to look like he was being robbed (who opened the safe anyway??), after knocking him out just leave him there or put him back after they kidnap the girl...job done and no need to spend countless months building an exact replica. They had witnesses who saw the girl enter which was basically the only thing that mattered.

The only reason for the new room would have been for the sake of the plot surely, otherwise this wouldn't have been a Jonathan Creek episode.


Roy needed to be conscious and handcuffed at 4pm so that he would deny seeing Tracy without a doubt in his mind. The goal of the scheme was to frame Roy so that Francine would leave him while giving the group an opportunity to defend Roy and strengthen their relationship with him to ensure future donations. If Roy was unconscious or away at 4pm doubt could be cast on his guilt.

But what were they planning to do with Tracy? They don't seem the type of group to kill an innocent girl. If she was never released Roy would continue to be a suspect, and if convicted he would not be in a position to continue donating. Maddie's conjecture that they would brainwash Tracy to join the group is problematic.

The group were not gypsies; they were a fictional spiritual group or cult.

Trivia: Anasazi river toads are fictional. The toads used in the show are fire bellied toads from Asia. I kept them for years. And no, they don't get you high! But that copper still found it tempting to try!


Yeah I guess that is true although the police might have found it more suspicious if he said he was unconscious anyway.

As for Tracy...I have no idea. If they simply released her then they would be done for kidnap and Roy wouldn't be supporting their cause then. And like you say they definitely don't seem the type who would have killed her. Even if they tried to brainwash her, she would have surely been found eventually. They would probably have been better off knocking her unconscious and keeping her locked up just until Francine had left Roy before releasing her. But then if they did that maybe Roy would have then been convicted.. Who knows..


If they released her then she would clear Roy of suspicion.


The way it played out it would yeah, but I meant if Tracy had no idea who kidnapped her.


Maybe they planned on converting her, Patty Hearst style? Bit if brainwashing, ship her off to one of their other communes, job done.


I think out of all of them, this was one of my least favourite episodes. The entire premise was weak and storyline, boring.
