MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Creek (2014) Discussion > Hmm you cant freeze ' neat vodka'

Hmm you cant freeze ' neat vodka'

Not in a typical freezer anyway

The freezing point of 80 proof vodka (40%) is -26.95° C or -16.51° F, while the temperature of most home freezers is around -17° C.


Not in any freezer. But I think what was said , something like, " he made ice cubes out of a lot of vodka".......will be re-watching to confirm.


The term she used was 'neat vodka' implying that it wasn't diluted


I believe that this is one 'test' for the quality of vodka? 37.5% will freeze, but not 40%?


I've frozen Vodka before

You, a salty water ocean wave.
Knock, me down and kiss my face.


I've frozen Vodka before

Did you then put it in your mouth? At -27 degrees?

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


i have left a bottle of smirnoff 37.5% overnight in the freezer and it didnt freeze.
On a show like this i was expecting it to be a plot point later on something like 'oh it wasnt a normal freezer, it was a really cold one' and that would have something to do with the plot, but nope.


When that happened I immediately remembered that you can't freeze vodka in a regular freezer, so I figured that it was mixed with water so the cubes weren't solid vodka but vodka mixed with water...I don't know if that would make it freeze more readily though. Where's a chemistry major when you need one?


Besides the discussion about the freezing point; wouldn't you immediately realise it was vodka, simply from the taste (and possibly the smell)?
The show made it appear that she was sucking on them to the point of inebriation without knowing they were alcoholic.


i noticed that aswell and thought it was silly, i was waiting for them to explain it somehow but they didnt
