The Judas Tree - Morals

After watching the Judas Tree, it just seemed that Jonathon and Joey just accepted the fact that the woman was in jail for a murder she didnt commit, all for a murder that was committed 20 years before.

I was just wondering what other peoples thoughts were on the story. Do you think she deserved to go to jail when she got off for the original crime before? Did the other woman deserve to die?

No power in the verse can stop me


It's really a strange ending. I still think Jonathon and Joey would tell the truth.


but like the villains said, would anyone believe them? the jury didn't believe the explanation earlier so a further theory wouldn't make much difference


I know - that episode just sort of peters out. Weird ending.


This episode showed us that they're not always involved in the end of the story. I haven't seen Judas Tree in ages but in the House of Monkeys we never saw who the killer was, and all these years later he's coming out of prison.

I also imagine the killer in this one was caught and didn't simply get on a plane.


Well it wasn't the best episode, but the point wasn't they accepted it, rather they couldn't prove she was innocent.

Likewise murdering then robbing a disabled man is still pretty heinous, not to mention they got off totally scot free.

I think yeah a few years in prison is kind of fair, not as many as you would get for murder sure. Just as many as you would for being an accomplish to murder and robbery.
