MovieChat Forums > Intensity (1997) Discussion > Stupid, pointless movie I haven't see ye...

Stupid, pointless movie I haven't see yet.

There, I beat someone to this post. On every movie board there is always at least one poster that complains about the movie, but they either just saw part of it, or not at all. So, I wanted to get that out of the way....if you haven't watched it all, don't bother to comment on it.

It is one of my favorite movies of all time, so good in fact, I can hardly watch John C. McGiney in anything else, even Scrubs, he creeps me out so bad. He is a wonderful actor to get me to feel this badly towards him ( his character). And I just love Molly Parker, everytime I see her, I think of this movie also. I just wish I could find it somewhere. Next time it is on TV, I will record it because I can't find it anywhere.

Great movie folks............


You don't have to wait long to record it. Its on Fearnet now.


Just the 11 months between the original post and yours. Well done.
