MovieChat Forums > Intensity (1997) Discussion > I Missed Something I Think ...

I Missed Something I Think ...

Her friend, the blond girl who was kidnapped -- did she die?
He made such a big deal about killing her in front of the little girl ... but she was laying in the back of that rec vehical for so long ... and she just sort of seemed to be forgotten about after awhile.

Now, I was away from this movie for about ten minutes -- 2 different times. So, did she die and I missed it? She certainly wasn't there at the end.


I think she was dead for the majority of the movie. At one point, he says to the little girl, "I'll bury you with her--one dead and one alive." I was more curious about who that guy who got killed by the dogs was.

"That is terrible advice, Ant1238."


When he said he would kill her in front of the girl, the her he was talking about was Chyna not Laura (I think that was the blonde girl's name).
Laura was already dead. She was dead before he put her in the RV.
