Plain Brown Envelope

This episode was weird. (SPOILERS) so in the truck there was this machine attacked to the girl mating with her. Was the driver just seducing her then bail, or did the truck lead the girl into it as a victim? If so, why allow itself to be caught by police. If the driver left the truck, why?

Just weird.


I just watched this a few days ago and I had the same questions. The machine didn't look like the driver at all. I also wondered if the driver just left, and I wondered what was the whole purpose. Haunted truck? Crazy experiment? I don't know. I just felt that if this entity or whatever was going on here was being well sophisticated enough to go to the troubles of pretending to be a human, etc. then it probably would have tried to hide it from the police. Otherwise how would it find more "victims" or continue? Unless we assume this girl was the only victim. I just wish they would have given more "hints" so to speak so that I could form various, clear conclusions.

I'm not locked here with you.
You're locked in here with me.


I took the ending as the truck driver was the greatest sex toy ever, thats why he was so concerned with pleasing her, because thats what he was programed to do. He was just a toy and thats how he made all her phantasies come true. As to how he could do all that stuff, i don't know, but he was just an awesome viberator.

she'll come back as fire, burn all the liars, leave a blanket of ash on the ground ~ Kurt Cobain


I got the same impressions tdw. i'm not sure if the truck drive was the sex toy and as he stated most of the eroticism comes from the mind the toys are just toys but we give them added meaning . therefore she imagined the toy being the truck driver...but then that that just makes everything MORE confusing . weird episode for sure.


Such a strange episode 0_o. I was confused by the ending too.
So the guy was the sex toy? WHAT? How could he drive then? Wtf? How did he change what he looked like?
If he wasn't then where did he go when the police came?

Idk what the writers were thinking.
