Mark Paul G/ Awful!!!

this guy sucked in this part!, no comedic talent whatsoever! terrible, he actually brought the whole movie down whenever he came onscreen, the guy who played Cliff was genius, saved every scene that schmuck Gossallaer was in, no doubt. That guy was damn good, he nailed that part to the wall! Underappreciated and overlooked comedy!


I think mark sounded like he was off in a lot of parts, But intentially, His part was to play a sketched out druggie, and he did just that. i mean to tell the truth after seeing him on Saved by the bell i was like pfftt, he cannot Portray a character like that, But I immediatly remember him as the Guy from Dead man on campus


I think Mark was the better of the two actors in this film. The other guy didn't seem believable and his timing was terrible...





Mark Paul Gosselaar was merely playing a more twisted version of Zack Morris.


Honestly, cant stand those sections with cliff. THey are a little funny, but they bring the movie down for me

I actually liked MPG in this. He was great in this role

yes a slightly more twisted version of Zack.


the part of Cooper screams Ryan Reynolds to me. i think he would have been perfect for this role back in the day
