Criminally Under-Rated

This movie is the perfect example of late 90’s teen comedy. I think it is a master-piece, I just watched it again for the first time in 10 years and I was alone and I actually laughed out loud a few times, something which is virtually impossible to happen when you watch a comedy by yourself and you are old and bitter. So many people who grew up in the 90’s don’t even remember it, that is too bad, if you liked the American Pie type of humor this movie is a excellent example of it.


The premise is politically incorrect and tasteless, which is probably why more people don't like this one, and some of those who do probably won't admit it. Much of the humor is juvenile if not puerile. And, oh's funny as hell!! I'm watching it now for the first time in years (and as an old fart who was already well past the target age when it first came out), and it still holds up really well. Tom Everett Scott makes a great straight man, and the would-be suicidal roommates are hilarious, most especially Cliff and the pseudo Cure guy. Lochlyn Munro REALLY should have had a better career after this. He steals every scene he's in.

Speaking of casting, somebody had a good eye for talent. I had forgotten that both Jason Segal and Alyson Hannigan had small supporting parts here.


"the premise is politically"........ politically what? nice word drop with puerile.........whats the populations in pretentiousland? the one a day dictionary business must be making their money off you Adolan62-520-949845, you would think with that brain power you have you could think of a better name or a name without numbers


Good morning to you too! Why yes, it *is* a lovely day. I'm fine, thanks for asking. How are you?


I watched this all the time in the late 90's/early 00's.


This one and Not Another Teen Movie are two of my favorite teen/college films of the late '90s and early '00s. Van Wilder comes up close as well, but Dead Man on Campus is just straight out hilarious.

Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death.


such a funny movie regardless of what decade it came out of the better 90's comedy

