MovieChat Forums > Dawson's Creek (1998) Discussion > Did anyone actually like Dawson?

Did anyone actually like Dawson?

I remember watching this when I was a teenager and finding Dawson the most annoying douche ever. It’s on Netflix now and I watched an episode for old times sake and . . .my god, he’s the WORST. Did anyone actually like him or was everyone just watching it for Pacey and Joey?


in later seasons Dawson rules


What did ya like about him?


I liked the creek


I did too, just didn't like Dawson. He irked me.


Ya me too especially in later


I can’t believe I watched it at all, lol...but yeah, Pacey and Jen, even Jack, were the interesting characters. Even Gramms was more compelling than Dawson.....


Maybe our standards for great television were different then lol


I think I made it up to season 4. Kind of binged it for a while when I had no work. I can't believe I watched that much of the show.


iim watching it now and all i can say is i have never hated someone so much, dawson’s so whiny and annoying and all i want is for joey and pacey to date


Ummm I liked him. Season 1 Dawson was bad I'll give you that. But he got better as the show went on.

He was NEVER my favorite character. But he wasn't nearly as bad as everyone else makes him out to be
