So it´s on DVD...

I´ll look it up and buy it then... I love time travel and liked this show, despite the boring time travel concept they had, that you can´t change anything.



I used to watch this show with my parents and I remember that we were very disappointed when it didn't return for another series. However I've got the DVD now and although it's great watching the episodes again I still wish that more episodes were made. This show definately had potential.


Gotten the DVD collection now... I´ll agree with most other opinions I´ve read now in the forum. Slightly corny, rather poor acting, and such a boring time travle theory that nothing can ever be changed. But rather sweet, and personally I think Chloë Annett is cute. :)


It's on DVD all right and I was delighted when I got it cheaply in the market. I wasn't so pleased when I got it home and found it had no subtitles. I don't like my TV blaring out for all the neigbours to hear, and can't always pick up dialogue... what is it with stingy DVD producers not giving us subtitles? Besides, they're very handy. I was watching "Misfits" tonight and it actually came up "she vomits" on the subtitles, so I was able to look down quickly and only hear the sound! Just one of the many reasons why I love subtitles!
