Not dated , except

In the UK Channel 4 has just loaded the entire series. I've not seen Buffy since it first ran and I may well be out of touch here but it doesn't seem to have dated as many shows do - except no mobile phones! It just struck me in a episode where a quick call could have saved a lot of grief. I'm not a big fan of mobiles - rather carry a book than stare at a tiny screen - so maybe I was even slower than usual here but once noticed it's glaringly obvious.


Of course if you remade Buffy today with everyone having cellphones the vampires would have decimated the town and the Buffy gang in a matter of minutes as all the people would be wandering around with their eyes glued to a phone all the time and never even notice when they were about to be drained dry.




This is probably true.


Given when it was made I don't think you can call it dated based on the technology of the time although I always noticed a lack of cell phones which did exist and would have been essential teen equipment. Especially if you are running around graveyards at night time.

So I do agree with you there. I did notice when I watched some of it a few years ago it is starting to feel dated in terms of the acting, the look of the show etc. But it is still far better than the crap they make today.


Far better than the crap that is crap, of course. But the actual quality stuff that exists in large numbers today? Nope.

Oh, there is no good stuff? Well, of course a red pill reactionary boomer/xoomer who thinks he’s an edgy alpha male and calls those who don’t approve of assholes... like people apparently did back in the ‘em good days where the voiceless remained voiceless and couldn’t offend PC cons who grew up in a very vanilla safe space... brainwashed snowflakes will feel that way. (The projection is always strong with the reich wing). K boomer.


Dear DracTarashV2,

We regret to advise that you have exceeded your Millennial slogan quota for the year in one post. Please ensure you try and engage your brain before posting in future as hysterical outbursts only cause the reader to be bored. Not to mention it leaves you with zero credibility.


The sensible people.


it is starting to feel dated in terms of the acting

Acting has improved since the 90s?


It doesn't matter. Being "dated" is not a bad thing. It was made in the '90s, so it looks like the '90s. So what?


Agreed. Except some times a show dates to the point where old favourites seem barely watchable. What surprised me watching Buffy was how contemporary it all felt.


It was also a remake of a movie made in 1992 lol


I have noticed this with some older shows too. Some are still quite watchable, others feel very dated.


Hollywood was very slow in catching onto cell phones, I think it makes the "scary factor" less so because people are less isolated with them. Oddly enough Buffy did have some eps around the internet and computers.


I'm seeing those E4 broadcasts, and it's so refreshing to be reminded of a time when nobody was dependent on their cellphones, lol!
In the final season they do have them though, and someone alerts someone by mobile. :(


Cell phones were around then but I think they can take a lot of fun out of things plotwise... and I do remember reading something about JWhedon's decision to mostly leave them out .And why is everything that's not right now considered outdated? Does everything have to be just like "right now" culturally to be viable or enjoyed?

All they do now in horror is cancel phone's out by losing the signal or getting them smashed or lost to get to the same point.


I watched it (and Angel) for the first time ever this year, and I found them to be pretty ahead of their time (TV storytelling wise). So I agree it's definitely aged well in that regard. But look/feel, is obviously very 90s/early 2000s if you watch the original 4x3 SD version. The HD version may look more modern but they DNR'd the ever loving shit out of it which is a shame. Not sure what version you saw. I started with the HD versions but switched to SD during season 3 I think it was.


what is DNR in this context?


Digital noise reduction. The digital removal of film grain from an image.


Nobody wants to see film grain on TV shows, it looks so dated.


The first season of Buffy looks dated. The same goes for Dawson's Creek.

Roswell - another WB show - has aged a lot better than the early years of Buffy, despite technology playing a more prominent role in the story.


I'd rather watch the early years of Buffy than the later years.


me too. I just cringe/mourn when I think what it became. A primetime show had been my fantasy ever since seeing the 1992 movie--and then it finally came true.

I actually screamed when I saw the announcement on tv and loud enough my mom thought I was having a grand mal seizure lol No mom, I'm okay he he.


They make jokes about that in the final season.
