MovieChat Forums > Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) Discussion > Angel should of run into hank Buffy Fath...

Angel should of run into hank Buffy Father

you know what i wish could of happen in la when Angel had his own show i wish they could of shown one scene as Angel walking down the street and some how he runs into Buffy father hank and angel tell hank off on what a jerk he was for not being there for Buffy or Dawn after Joyce had done die


unfortunately the buffyverse has a disdain for parents appearing on the shows. cordy, oz, willow and xander's parents are barely in their kids life.


I think Hank had moved abroad with his girlfriend by then.


Yeah. I am actually surprised they never had Buffy's Dad appear in an episode of Angel especially on one of the crossover episodes with Buffy but Buffy's Dad was never really a good Father to her and seemed to abandon her when he got divorced from her Mum so I think that was the main reason we didn't see him again.


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More Hank would have been good, I'd loved to have seen Buffy, Dawn and Hank reunited.


Hank coming back would have been interesting. Get rid of dawn though.


After Buffy’s mother died, Hank should’ve came back into the picture to keep Buffy afloat for a while, leave Buffy with her friends, and take Dawn back with him.


Hank's literal reaction to 'real blood suckers vs the abstract kind he deals with in the corporate world would have been hysterical!!

He asks Angel what happened to your parents

Angel says I ate them in his monotone voice.

Hank says...oh having thought something else took them. And then not knowing what else to say.
