DVD -Asteroid1997

Why is the dvd version only have about 2 hrs in it and the the tv version is about 3 hrs and 12 minutes long?



Coffee makes me a might nervous when I drink it


if you take out the commericals ; its still about 3 hrs?


yeah, but remember, when titanic plays on tv, it gets padded out to four hours. and californication had 25 minute episodes padded out to 45 minutes with ads.


I think it was simply cut to 2 hours for dvd. Maybe they weren't happy with the longer version.

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I remember this as a "fairly average to okay" telemovie... why the heck is the DVD (out of print) selling for SO much at the likes of Amazon?! I mean, the only obscure movie DVD that seems to sell for more is Circuitry Man (which I love, but not THAT much!).


it was made for tv as a 2 part mini series. it was 4 hours with adverts split over 2 night, so they cut out at least an hour for the movie length dvd.


the 4 hr mini series had more scenes in it than the dvd version !
