French Gay Film

Why does french gay film always have to deal with Arab and racism?


Because both the French and most homosexuals fetishise Arabs, in a similar way to how Arabs fetishise Jewish women, or how we in the English-speaking world fetishise the French.

That's what I have come to believe, anyway.


That is not really true. This is not a "gay" film, there simply happens to be one gay character among this group of friends. Everyone else is straight, didn't you notice. Many French films deal with current conflicts known to that country, and in that society there exists an intolerance to both gays, and Arab immigrants. "Full Speed" is dealing with so many things, it isn't right to focus on a minor gay subplot and ignore everything else happening. Films about rebels, or outsiders often involve people living outside of what closed-minded bigots consider as acceptable.


There are many--I'd hazard the majority of--French gay-themed movies in which neither Arabs nor racism are mentioned. You must have some obsession with one or the other.


grande ecole
thee dancing slaves
a toute vitesse,

what else?

i agree with you though
