MovieChat Forums > Illtown (1998) Discussion > A Hidden Gem of a Film

A Hidden Gem of a Film

This film should have more posts. I just had to say something about it: the cast is great (Strong performances all around -- Kevin Corrigan & Tony Danza are exceptional), the story isn't lofty or too far out there, the violence is approached with such realism, candor and in-your-face ease that it haunts and disturbs even after the film is over. Solid and entertaining. Don't sleep on this one!


It's amazing how many people get shot and killed in front of a number of other people and not one person who witnessed any of the killings were even phased! How unrealistic is that! Thank God people dont actually react like that in real life!
I would have to say that this falls under a bad B movie. Do they have a C catergory instead?



I just watched this last night and my brother and I couldn't figure out if Rappaport dies at the end. Throughout the film he has little daydreams about characters that have died, and then at the end he's playing golf with a very pregnant Lilli Taylor, her deaf brother and Corrigan, who had already died. So does that mean that he's dead too? Or was he golfing with Lilli and the deaf kid and just imagined Corrigan there? Does anyone have a definitive answer? By the way, how totally awesome was the main blonde 15 year old killer kid? I also loved how people just get blown away and no one even flinches. How hard are those kids? Awesome.


Total waste of time.Stupid film.Just like the comments.Poor acting.Rapapore is in full stun mode.Every scene he looks mule kicked.Casting a fifth rate television personality and nonactor like Danza takes it to surreal levels of tedium.Oh and the braindead imbecelic children don't even flinch at murder...totally



Thanks but I don't need ANYBODY to educate me regarding film.Illtown was absurd.Laugh out loud funny.Terrible acting.I mean it stinks.What's the rateing? 4 and change.Huh.Well I'll be darned...other folks are crazy about this crap too.


yes but how was tony danza in it???? good, bad, laughable??? he can be good in a serious setting sometimes surprisingly....what was that drama he was on, it was cbs for a couple of years? family law??? he was surprisingly solid there.
he was in a broadway play this eugene o neil play my grandparents went to see about a decade ago...and they said he was surpriningly good...they knew him from who's the boss? of course. then again this is tony danza we're talking about here so i'm he good?


I'd say Danza's just like the rest of the cast. all their acting felt plastic lol

Keeping in mind my standards aren't exactly high in the first place, and it never got to the point where I wanted to turn it off, I thought it was average at best. But it's weird how I still recommend everyone I know to see it, and have watched it multiple times. I guess how bleak the whole movie felt is what I watch it for. people know most of this cast can act, I seriously doubt they accidentally gave crappy performances, and it was intended to be like this to seem like a dream.

Not that I would've wanted more of it, but the only time I can remember seeing anyone happy in the movie was the kids having the party and spraypainting that other kid's face before killing him. The movie definately is a downer haha

btw, anyone know the whole speech that Cisco gave about his wife? I can't even remember it it's been a long time since I've seen it, and can't find it in video stores.


I agree with the OP on that golf ball hit and it's too bad the movie ends with it. Leaves a bad taste. But the confusing dreamlike post-death flashback style the film utilizes, (like the artificial emotionless zombie-like kids who don't respond to murder) seems intended to be viewed as a metaphor for, among other things, the affect of violence and crime on todays increasingly indifferent and volatile youths. It also deals with criminals who create the next generation of criminals through their mentoring and guidance.

Now, whether or not the film is successful in this endeavor is a topic for another discussion.

Not one of the great films but far from bad. I found the film constantly engaging with flourishes of tour de force moments.

I DO recommend that you see it and decide for yourself.


I would say the movie was very successful in depicting the increasing blasé attitude younger generations have towards violence for the mere fact that you were able to extract that and explain here. Bingo, wouldn't you say? Mission accomplished. I mean, it is pretty obvious.

Now, it's no fault of the film if some viewers don't understand a metaphor when they're being beat over the head with one.

I, for one, think this movie is excellent and I'm a little upset I can't find it on DVD... I haven't seen it in about 10 years. Too long.


I loved this film too. Found it a couple months ago on VHS, never heard if utm but it looked it good enough. First film i've seen where Tony Danza does a good job, if i haven't heard of him before this film I would think higher of him. He and Saul Stein play good crime lords and associates.

People get confused about people not flinching to murder in this movie, it's to emphasize the apathy and general desensitized nature of this town "illtown" (hint the title, guys) and that effect of drugs, violence, peddling, etc.

If you have known any real junkies in real life or big dealers, this movie will make a lot of sense through however much familiarity you have with that sort of world.

definitely worth a watch and worth getting. it's a tripped out film too, so smoke up or have a beer and fall in...


You might not "need ANYBODY to educate (you) regarding film" -- but you could use someone educating you in proper use of punctuation and spelling.


I noticed that too...I think even bad guys would be freaking out in response to corpses piling up.


wow, its crazy how long ago this comment was typed and surely it made sense then but now in 2015 we are in a society where the youth are far more desensitized to violence and if they were to witness someone get shot in the street, they mind their business and walk away. they would refuse to speak to police because their biggest fear is being viewed as a snitch. that scene in the pool hall you mention was a bit unrealistic, back in the 90's or 2006. but it basically foreshadowed what is happening now today


This film has been slept on. Everytime I see this on cable I have to watch. Tony Danza? Awesome...the whole cast is great. Michael Rapaport as a straight leading man was awesome, too. Actually, he was pretty hot! Kevin Corrigan with a mullet?? And who has the balls to use a deaf kid prominently in the storyline? That in itself earns it s

I think people should re-watch this and appreciate...

Kiss my grits!


Agreed. This was a good movie. Loved Adam Trese, Lili Taylor. Tony Danza & Michael Rappaport were good as well. Just really liked it. Would love to find it on video/DVD.


A lot of people put it down. But I saw it once about 15 years ago - and it's stayed with me. I've wanted to see it again for a long time now, but it's very hard to find - no dvd release.


it was an odd movie. It was like a cheap movie put together by friends. Spoilers the weird part with all those bodies around including a cop. The police would have been going crazy,. Hope the deaf kid got to stay with his sister.


Who played the kid that got shot in the bar?
