*spoiler* ending..

ok, i watched this on tv so i couldn't rewind it...i couldn't figure out who (besides the wife, the cook, and gill) died? there were supposed to be 4 students dead, so who were they? was the tough guy who had trouble with his grades at the beginning one of them? someone help me out here..



Dean, I think was his name was the kid with the grade problems and cheated. He died. And Gill, the blonde played by Ryan Phillippe or whatever his name is died, who's brother had died falling out of the tree and was afraid of heights at first. The cook-the Puerto Rican man, and the captain's wife died. In the true story there were two more people who died but I cannot remember their names. They did not have their characters cast in the movie. They were students.
Everybody else lived including the guy who shot the dolphin because he was kicked off the ship for it before the storm. FYI for those who can't remember or don't mind spoilers. Okay I need to catch my breath.

Spiders eat Internet Trolls...


Okay the 4 people that died were Alive- the wife, Gill (Ryan Philippe), the cook and Dead :(

*Did you know the word gullable isn't in the dictionary???*


yeah, his name was dean. he got caught in all the ropes when he was trying to free a life boat.


A watery grave is one of the worst ways to go. Not many others come to mind unless you count being tortured to death.


I've heard it is one of the calmest ways to go. I guess because you realize there is nothing you can do about it.

Much better than a violent gun attack or explosion, or several knife wounds, I'd say


I wouldn't say calmest since people tend to panic and spaz out when they can't breath. It doesn't sound painless either. I found this posted from someone that experienced it but was revived:

"...When the cramp hit me, I sank to the bottom of the lake 12 feet down, in a doubled-up position. Compounding the wracking pain in my trunk was a mounting choking sensation. (Try holding your mouth and nose after taking a deep breath. Hold your breath until it becomes unbearable; then try holding it a few seconds past the unbearable point. It's a horrible sensation and would give you a dim idea of just one aspect of how it feels to drown.) The pressure of the water caused a stabbing pain in my eyes and ears... try to keep your head when water begins to seep into your already tortured lungs and your body is a mass of pain and you know you are dying... I remember that I screamed down there against a solid wall of water�I remember that I threshed and bobbed, but only succeeded in burrowing my head into the slime of the lake floor...."

Doesn't sound like the ideal way to go, although I can imagine many worse ways to go. For me, I think passing away in sleep is the best way to go.


I think the dolphin died to.


"I think the dolphin died too."

Is it immature that I laughed for about five minutes when I read that? If it is, I don't care.

*There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be [it's easy]!*
