Just saw 'It'

I went to Az and saw the movie

CHG is a genius

The movie's weird, like he filmed the ramblings in his brain

I loved it

Anyone whose seen it should post here and say what they thought


you saw him in Tucson, AZ?
I was there, i thought it was different. i liked it.

My Name is Jen and I'm an L-aholic


Man, I wish I could see it. I've got a Crispin video collection going, and it just kills me that I haven't seen this one. I wish it would become available. And what about the Orkly Kid?

"I looked at Twiggy. Twiggy looked at Pogo. Pogo looked at Joe. Joe pissed himself."


I was there the last night they were running it at the Loft in Tucson and I'm so glad I went. Not only is the film quite good, I have to say that Glover is surprisingly intelligent and incredibly kind. The film was one of the most lucid, effective pieces of independent work I've seen in a long time, and Glover's prescence only made it better.

Although I bought his album of spoken word and music and I have to say, save for his autograph on it, I'm less impressed.

I look forward to the sequels.


I SERIOUSLY hope you all are joking. This was beyond garbage 'IT' was a total moviemaking disaster. My 8 yr old nephew has made better movies than this piece of tripe.

But hey I suppose we're all entitled to our opinions.


Agreed. I saw a long preview and couldn't believe anyone would dare put out such useless trash. Just goes to show that if an eccentric, self-indulgent lunatic makes a nonsensical film the aristocratic-wannabees will gush over it. The emperor has no clothes, folks.




I love the depressed kids who like to relate to CRAP!!! I have no hate towards CG but this movie is pure garbage. If you think you comprehend this, than you should be locked up in an institution. Some people can comprehend pedophilia and murder, but to NORMAL PEOPLE it still makes no sense.


Aye... i don't even think CHG condoned anything in that film, just wanted to challenge what disturbs us and have us actually take an active role in understanding and defining the things we knee-jerk reject.
i appreciated CHG giving me an alternative view to the differently-abled in our society...the fact that they can and have romantic relationships and are human beings as well, yeah, i appreciated that.
