Loved it!!!

I have to say that reiterate the comments about the "on target" casting in this movie. I think what made this such a great movie was the honesty of the family issues. I was not comfortable sitting in on this family. I wanted to smack each of them at different times. I wanted to yell at the characters -- scream that they didn't understand Jeremy and his PSTD. I wanted to hand them a psychiatrist or counsellor's card and I that in the 1960s or 70s, that wasn't an option.

How sad for so many of the vets that made it back. This movie made me feel for these vets. I wished I had been kinder with regards to my judgement of people who fought in Vietnam. Moving to Canada really was not a viable option for most. I always thought it was financial, but imagine not ever seeing your family again or your home... Oh, how horrible were the choices to those who were only 18 in the 1960s.

I LOVED KATHY BATES!!! -- TRULY. Her character was the most honest character I had experienced in a very long time. Perhaps it is because I know SO MANY women who need for the picture to be perfect. the costume, the shell, the covering... I grew up knowing so many women like this one.

This movie was so moving and I truly recommend it.


I agree with everything you said this movie is so powerful and everyone needs to see it. I don't support war but after I saw this movie it made me have respect for the young men who died in Vietnam and it made me think about the ones that came home to a society that made them feel like outcasts.

99% of the time a hero is someone who is too cold, tired & hungry to give a damn.


I don't know why this film is so OBSCURE!!!! I'm buying the disc from Amazon this year. SMH, it should be a staple in any film lover's library! Netflix, whazzup?! No streaming services or rentals? seriously?!

