Michelle's Hair

I saw this film as a child but couldn't really remember much of it so I watched it again recently and I was wondering did Michelle Pfeiffer have long hair and then cut it and colour it in all those different styles that her character has or where these different looks acheived with wigs?

I only ask because usually you can tell when an actor is wearing a wig but in this film Pfeiffer's hair looked real in every scene, just wanted to know if she 'took the chop' for her role or they used really good wigs?


Wigs. Lots and lots of wigs. In an interview, Robert Redford made fun of all the wigs, and the fact that they needed a whole seperate trailer to keep them in. They are some of the best I've seen. Sean Connery must have been jealous!


Her shoulder-length cut was her real hair. She filmed One Fine Day around the same time and had the same haircut. Everything else was wigs. I remember she was asked a lot of questions about her hair when this movie was in theaters.
