Why the low vote?

Why just 565 votes? That's pretty much nothing. Wasn't it finally released on DVD in the US?

It aired a few years back here in Norway, never seen it on DVD though. Looks like there never was any R2 version, only R0 and perhaps R1... hm

Anyways... bloody shame that just 565 people have seen this movie...

"My girlfriend always laughs during sex-no matter what she's reading."



It played in 2005 here in Sarasota Florida at the Sarasota Film Society's International Film Festival at Burns Court Cinema. It sold out (though the theatre was pretty small, probably held less than 100 to 150 people.)
It is and overpowering film on the big screen, which is of course the only way to really enjoy a movie.


Wish I had seen it there. I agree that it should be seen on the authentic big screen, especially for the final scenes.

Unfortunately, in the U.S. foreign films (even in English) are merely a niche market. Our small-town middle class moralists had so blackened the director's name over Tin Drum that any later film from him would have an uphill fight, even though it is quite different.

The DVD has little to offer over the video tape release. The only extra material is two previews.


The sad thing is that I learned a lot about Poland before/during Nazis invasion by watching Tin Drum ... and my SO is Polish and I have been to Poland. So ya you left out small minded in the above
