All those extra details

Hi people

Have been watching the film again today and I starting to notice all these extra details much more, which really make the film even more magical. Like the looks between Maria and Sir Toby during Feste's song and how Duke Orsino looks back at his young page when they're out horse riding. It's little bits like this which really bring the play alive!!!

I also noticed that in the last main scene, when Orsino rides in with his guards, he's sharing his horse with "Cesario". He even helps "him" of the horse! Just got me thinking that for a count to share a ride with his servant must have been very rare, even more so for the master to help his servant dismount!!! Anyone else notice this? I think it's an extra detail that really shows just how much Orsino values Cesario and that their relationship is far from the norm.

Any other little details people noticed?
