Feste Relationship

Is Feste somehow related to Lady Olivia? The scene at the beginning of the movie, where Feste and Lady Olivia are talking in her sitting room, Olivia puts her head on Feste's shoulder I got the idea he is someone special in her life.
I loved this movie, I just can't figure out (I know he plays a fool) how Feste fits into Olivia's life. Thanking you in advance if you can help me put the pieces together.


Feste isn't a relative of Olivia's, more like an old family friend. He is desrcibed by one of Orsino's servants as "A fool that Lady Olivia's father took much delight in" (act 2, scene 4 of the play). So maybe he reminds her a lot of her family.


Thank you.


In that scene, she's clearly still grieving for her brother. Feste has just come back from a prolonged AWOL and would normally be fired, but when Olivia cries on his shoulder we can see why she keeps him around.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


Feste seems quite a kindly person although obliged also to be sharp and witty and sometimes is cruel. In the movie he obviously knows Cesario is Viola. I think when someone's really unhappy, he genuinely feels for them and likes to comfort them - although in a practical way.
