MovieChat Forums > Trees Lounge (1996) Discussion > Debbie's change of heart at the end

Debbie's change of heart at the end

Was there a reason she seemed to turn so cold toward Tommy in the end? I mean she virtually was all over him for so long, then she can barely look at him and she's too busy packing up moving to the city to give him a minute. She also vaguely looked bothered by his presence when he shows up. Was it because all of the trouble their being together caused, with her father and Tommy's failure to do anything about it when she called? Or did she want to make a quick escape from her father's violent ways? Or was Tommy just a conquest of hers, a brief crush, and she'd had enough of it by the end? Perhaps a factor of all of these things.


I think she was mad at Tommy for being embarrassed to have people know that they had fooled around together. With his being clearly an adult, she may have seen this as an opportunity to also be an adult, but was then embarrassingly disappointed. Moving to the city may have been another way to accomplish that; and given her home life, that may well have been her best choice. That's especially true because she wasn't moving in with some guy, plus the fact that she's apparently musically talented. I think it was a smart move.


It was because she thought she was becoming his girlfriend and that he really loved her. She realized that Tommy didn't feel the same way, when he wouldn't let her come over, to protect her from her father. She was cold to try and hide her feelings, because she was hurt that Tommy didn't love her.


He doesn't show up for her when things get tough and she loses respect for him because of that. And he makes it worse by trying to act like he cares about her. If he really did, he would have let her come over or he would have talked to her dad, but he just flaked on everything because he was scared. So when he comes back at the end, she's already moving on and handling her problems herself, so I think she's annoyed that he wants to act like he cares and keep contact with her now after he blew her off.


Heh, I just mentioned in another thread- Yeah, I think her change of heart was because Tommy failed to defend her to her dad, or whatever it was she needed him to do.


Her dad was an abusive low-life sack of sh!t who deserved to get his face beaten in for attacking Tommy and trashing the truck over, what, a kiss? He didn't know anything else had gone on, but the only response he could think of was violence. He is garbage and deserves to be abandoned by his wife and kid. worthless moron.
